Thursday, May 15, 2008


An updated report from the Christian Newswire that the Burmese government is now denying relief aid to Karen Christians after the area was struck by a massive cyclone recently leaving thousands upon thousands dead or homeless. This is very distressing news. Please keep these people in your prayers, because what Jesus said would happen in the last days before His return is happening~~"And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew "24:12

Burmese Government Denies Cyclone Relief Aid to Karen Christians

SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich., May 15 As thousands of cyclone survivors cling to life in Burma, disturbing new reports about the military's distribution of relief aid are surfacing from the devastated region.Residents in the Irawaddy Delta, which bore the brunt of the cyclone that tore through the country on May 3, 2008, are now claiming that the Burmese military is diverting aid from areas heavily populated by ethnic Karen villagers -- a claim consistent with the government's longstanding history of discriminatory practices against the Karen, the largest and mostly Christian minority ethnic group in the country. Continued at link above.

Technorati tag: Burma Cyclone , Cyclone Relief Aid , Burmese Christians

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