Friday, May 16, 2008


This is a perfect example of how Christian leaders have lost their way in spreading the truth of God's Word and have lost touch with the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Rather than uniting and occupying and taking the Good News of Christ's Message of Salvation to their neighbor and a dying world, they are preoccupied with spreading the "truth" about global warming, climate and political messages, which isn't the Gospel Messege of Christ at all. What we need in these perilous times we live in are more men and women committed to Jesus Christ, who alone can bring hope to a lost and dying world, rather than the God of religion, science, politics, and this world.

It goes without saying that Christians are to be good stewards of everything God has given us to use and that includes the planet. I suppose these global warming "Christians" think and believe global warming caused the great flood in Noe's time too? Where is God-given common sense being applied here? Global warming is a smokescreen, a lie from the pit, to conceral the signs of the times we are now living in known as birth pangs and the beginning of sorrows in the Bible that Jesus said would happen just before his return.

Paul warns us in Colossians 2:8 to "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ,"
Christian Leaders Launch 'We Get It Green Movement' Evangelical pastors, scientists and policymakers have launched a petition drive intended to spread the truth about global warming: That Christians should be good stewards of God's creation and that government policies and regulations based on "faulty science" will hurt people who should be helped.

"The 'We Get It' declaration speaks for me, and I believe it speaks for the vast majority of evangelicals, who are as tired as I am of being misrepresented by people who don't bother to get their theology, their science or their economics right," said Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.). continued here

Related Story: Christians Launch Campaign Against Global Warming Hype

Tags: Christian leaders unite, Religion and Politics, Christians and Global Warming, Global Warming

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