Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Is there a Bible believing Christian among "evangelicals" today? Bravo for Dr. Guinness and Larry Ross. At least there are two people within the "evangelical" community that have the biblical discernment to see there is something gone amok with today's "evangelicals," and want to save the sinking ship. But Dr. Guinness and Mr. Ross, we already have the Holy Scriptures. What do you have to say about that? is reporting

A new document purports to "set the record straight" about what it means to be an evangelical Christian.

Drafters of "An Evangelical Manifesto" say they are trying to clear up the "confusion" and "consternation" that surrounds the term "Evangelical" in the U.S. The document was unveiled today at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, by a collection of theologians and religious leaders, including Dr. Os Guinness, Christianity Today editor-in-chief David Neff, and public relations expert Larry Ross. Ross noted the drafters are troubled that in recent years the term "Evangelical" has often been used politically, culturally, and socially, and has even become a marketing demographic. Dr. Guinness, primary drafter of the document, said the genesis of the project began three years ago when in the course of a week he met a dozen evangelicals who spoke of how they were either "embarrassed," "ashamed," or "openly revolted" by the images of evangelicalism. Guinness says it was then he too recognized the "cultural and political baggage" surrounding evangelicals. "When you have best-selling authors who appear on public television with 'feel-good' gospels who have to apologize to their own churches that they've diluted the faith when they get home, something is profoundly wrong," Guinness stated. "When you have evangelical leaders who make predictions in the name of God, which by biblical standards are openly false prophecy, something is badly wrong. When scholars and writers can look at the evangelical political movement and describe them as theocrats -- or worse, as fascists -- something is badly wrong."

Technorati Tags:Evangelical, Evangelicalism, Christianity, Religion and Politics

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