Sunday, May 18, 2008


Even though President Bush got his biblical facts a bit twisted, I find this story somewhat amusing and hypocritical. While God in the Old Testament does indeed promise to give the land of Israel to the Jewish people, honoring His covenant which He made through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Bible also tells us that at some future point in time "all" nations will go against Israel, and that means good ol' USofA. While the speech sounded good, the USof A under George Bush's leadership has already betrayed Israel and the people of Israel with his endorsement and pushing for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which gives the heartland or biblical land of Israel known as Judea-Samaria or the West Bank over to Israel's enemies, so I regret to say, George Bush is no friend of Israel.
Bush's Biblical References Rile Palestinians
When US President George W. Bush punctuated his speech before the Israeli Knesset on Friday with biblical rhetoric reaffirming the Jewish people's right to the Land of Israel, the Palestinian Arabs betrayed the fact that they have no tolerance for Jewish sovereignty in the region at all, even if they speak of coexistence in front of international media.

In his address to Israeli lawmakers, Bush spoke of the "promise of God" for a "homeland for the chosen people," and said the "bonds of the Book" between Jews and Christians meant that America would always stand by Israel's side.

Bush also described Israel's and the United States' battle against Hamas, Hizballah, Al Qaeda and Iran as a "battle of good against evil." Continued

Technorati Tags: President Bush, Palestinians, Israeli Knesset

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