Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Orthodox Jews Begins Talks With Christians

The Israeli Orthodox Jews  are to begin talks with Christians and this could have a profound positive effect upon the messianic Jews persecuted in Israel providing it is not connected with and sponsored by the apostate Roman Catholic Church and Rick Warren's purpose driven seeker friendly pluralistic UN religious agenda, which is to push for ecumenism to bring all "religions" into a one world religious system. 

It is uplifting to hear of the orthodox talking in a civil manner with reference to the Christians of Israel after the recent New Testament burning by the Orthodox in Israel.  However, I think we need to take a wait and see attitude before making any final conclusions in light of the persistant persecution by the orthodox Israelis towards the messianic Jews of Israel.  Read about it below...

In an unparalleled historical development, a major Orthodox Jewish institution has announced its decision to begin theological dialogue and fellowship with Christians.

Shlomo Riskin, Chief Rabbi of Efrat, Israel, and founding member of The Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding & Cooperation, said that the center would help bridge gaps between Jews and Christians while emphasizing their common heritage and shared Judeo-Christian values that emphasize harmony, the sanctity of human life and dignity, and world peace.

"Both Judaism and Christianity have profound messages for the world and each must speak to humanity and to each other,” he explained.

The center will be hosting joint seminars for Jewish and Christian scholars and theologians on topics as diverse as salvation, messianism, and Jewish-Christian relations.


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