Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Purpose Behind The Florida 'Outpouring' From a Brother in the UK

Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival have drawn attention from people all over the world. I am encouraged to see so many people drawn to my website from all around the world seeking information about what is happening in Lakeland. Another brother out of the United Kingdom has also been reporting on the Lakeland Revival and his input is here , for those who are unaware of this, with an excerpt following:
  • Colossians 1:18And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all [things] he might have the pre-eminence.

If we want to find out what the purpose of this revival is, we need to look at what is being taught by its leaders. You might be forgiven for thinking that a spiritual revival in the Church would result in Christians coming into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. This is not the case with the Florida Outpouring. In fact Bentley says that God has specifically instructed him not to teach people about Jesus Christ. Instead he believes that God wants him to teach about "the angel".

Bentley related this fact at one of his meetings. "God, why do I want people to believe in the angel?", he questioned, "Isn't it about getting the people to believe in Jesus?"  Even Bentley seemed surprised by this unusual request from the Father. The response came back, "The people already believe in Jesus, but the Church doesn't believe in the supernatural". You will not see Bentley read from the Scriptures. You may not even hear him talk much about God or Jesus Christ, despite all the miracles that seem to be taking place. But you will hear him talk about angels and the supernatural. And so it seems that the purpose of this revival is to get people focused on the supernatural.
More Here


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    this is the most hilarious attack ive seen on the revival yet, have you not watched it?
    Ive seen todd read from the scriptures a lot he preached on reasons why and why not god heals you in recent weeks and for every reason he used a scripture from the bible.
    He mentions believing in Jesus alot aswell i know this for a fact cause every time he says the word he makes me chuckle cause his accent reminds me of forest gump every time he says it.
    I don't understand why people are so against it. christians themselves against praise and worship to god every night?, against thousands of people being brought to believe in god?, against people being healed by god through these people in the revival?, against the word of God being taught?, against people teaching that gods fire is here to bless us and annoint us?, against people teaching that god is mighty and wonderous and supernatural things happen by his hand through people?

    I could go on, i know myself that up untill about march/april time the time of easter and around the time the revival had begun i was rapidly turning back to god. I didnt even discover the revival till about a month ago. Through my mother showing me a testimony from a guy called Ian Mccormack and through my own soul searching i suddenly wanted to go back to church, suddenly wanted to write songs of praise to god as I am a muscian. I always shyed away from praise and worship in the past but this time theres no escaping it. Since watching the revival on God tv i've justed wanted to do more, I want to go out and tell everyone about god, I want to study the scriptures more, things that this time this year i would of been interested in and enjoyed like going out and getting drunk with my friends just don't grab me anymore. God does and he corrects me in so many ways.
    How would a move of satan or a false revival do this to me and so many others that its doing similar things to.
    There is a lot of controversy around todd bentley but i suppose there is always controversy over a man of god or a move of god. When Jesus was on earth the Pharisees and relgious leaders hated him and put him to death (as im sure many are familiar with). Im not saying by that, that todd bentley is the new Jesus or anything ridiculous like that but gods moving greatly at the moment i know and Todd bentley is someone he has raised up to speak to the nations and help to flame the fires of god in a big way so naturally the enemy
    hates this and even works through people of god to bring this down.
    I know we should test the spirits and look out for false prophets and teachings in these would be it end times but how could people being brought to god and people being healed and baptised in the name of Jesus be done by satan or someone being worked through by satan?

  2. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Hi anon.

    Todd Bentley is a false prophet who is heavily involved in New Age, occultic deception; There is more than enough evidence Biblical and otherwise to prove that on this website and others referenced to on this website. Because a person uses the name of Jesus occasionally does not mean that person has repented of sin through conviction of the Holy Spirit and has truly been converted. Following after signs and wonders and not Jesus Christ is not salvation through Jesus Christ.

  3. Anonymous8:48 PM

    but he preaches both Jesus and signs and wonders which go hand in hand because Jesus performed signs and wonder as did his disciples!and many others who have followed through the ages.
    oh side.... the only reason my message has come through as anon is because it would not come through any other of the other options rosie cadogan or
    have you not read what i wrote, how can i and many many others be coming to god though a false prophet and through occult movement? Have you watched as many of the revival nights as i have? or heard todd bentleys testimony how he repented, how god saved him?
    i dont get what is wrong with with humnity sometimes but then realise that satans in the world n gets in through so many cracks and crevices including the true works of god.
    Never once have i heard Todd bentley proclaim power or healing is through him he claims it through god and claims it through jesus and the holy spirit. God works through people including todd.
    Read Todd's testimonies on the fresh fire website about angels it explains alot about his experiances alot of people have had experiances with angels, he doesnt believe/worship in the angel he believes in jesus how many times i have heard him say that is alot!
    everything i have seen thats attacks this revival is taken out of context or clearly not looked into enough......
    like that rubbish of him not quoting from scriptures or talking about jesus because he does all the time!!!!he says and does it all through jesus that is what he says
    how is that wrong? how is that occult? dont start going on about him kicking a man in the stomach, i have watched that and it is so blown out of proportion. plus smith wigglesworth held up a dying old lady agaisnt a wall and told the spirit of death to come out of her, sounds similar with the aggresision used through the holy spirit towards satan and all his demons that todd has used.
    I have heard Todd lift jesus name so many a time how could he without being a true man of god?
    'So i want you to understand that no one who is speaking with the help of God's spirit says "Jesus be cursed. "and no one can say "Jesus is lord" without the help of the holy spirit. 1 corinthians 12 verse 1

  4. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Hi rosie:

    I urge you to look at some of the articles and videos I have posted in
    in the side bar. What Todd Bentley says and does, does not line up with Scripture and he is a very dangerous false deceptive person.----->> For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ And no marvel; for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.2 Corinth 11:13-15

    It's all about making money, and lots of it for Todd Bentley and God-TV, who call themselves modern day prophets and apostles. Don't believe it. He is merchandising the Gospel of Christ, as do all of your WOF cult such as Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland,John Avizini, Creflo Dollar, Paula White, etc., etc. which isn't the true Gospel at all. He never uses the Bible and preys on your feelings and emotions. Read your Bible, stay close to Jesus who died on the cross and shed his own blood to save your soul, and and stay away from Todd Bentley.

  5. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I have watched the revival most nights since the middle of may. I am open to being made aware of false prophets - and totally agree we should test the spirits. However, in most criticisms of Todd Bentley, I cannot see any truth or substance in what is levelled at him. Whenever he preaches, he ALWAYS preaches from the Bible; not sometimes but every time. He has given glory to the name of Jesus countless number of times. These criticisms off Todd Bentley seem unfair and have no physical evidence. I am certainly willing to be shown actual proof of him contravening the word of God, but as of yet the allegations do not seem to have much substance to them. If they centre on his angelic visitations, then many throughout the word have had such visitations. My concern is not so much that an angel named Emma has appeared to him, but that he concentrates on angels too much, rather than majoring on Jesus. Colossians 2v18. I am not writing this to defend or critisize, but to ask for proper proof of him being wrong - proof that is unrefuted by the bible and not just man's criticism. Gamaliel once said of the apostles, if it is a move of man it will soon peter out. If it's a move of God you wont be able to stand against it - wise words indeed. Let's wait and see rather than be quick to tear apart. Only if he has directly spoken things contrary to God's word should we be quick to anounce his person to be wrong from source.
    Many thanks for taking time to read my thoughts, Mark Flint a high school teacher from UK, and Spirit filled believer.

  6. Hi Mark:

    Perhaps if you take a look at my side bar and watch the video's of Todd Bentley that I have put up, and read the articles I have put up, and read your Bible, you will see that Todd Bentley is not of God. No more evidence is needed. It is very clear.

