Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I came across a most excellent description and explanation of what is going on at the Lakeland "Revival" with Todd Bentley that I would like to share with all of my readers. writes the following with biblical references which indeed give us keen scriptural insight and discernment into what is happening at Lakeland. I highly recommend reading this writing as you will become more aware of the satanic delusion that is upon those attending and involved in this "revival" and the urgency of the times we are now living in.
  • Todd Bentley Imparts Anti-Christ Spirit
    I am concerned about this impartation and anointing going on with Todd Bentley’s ministry. I’ve watched some of the videos and I have seen on GOD TV his service and him in action. Bentley never clearly explains what this anointing is and what it is exactly that he is imparting. He only says what its effects are, which are healings, dreams, visions, etc., and the ability for those who receive this anointing to be able to impart it to others. In this post, I attempt to understand what this anointing is and what exactly Bentley is imparting to the throngs at his services, who come from all over the world to experience him and what he has to offer.

This is the video which I base most of my observations on, and I also excerpt some text from Bentley’s writings on his Web site to gain a better understanding of what he is anointing people with and imparting to them continued.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Yes, I agree that Todd is imparting an Anti-Christ spirit.I'm from his home town..Todd was involved in satanic rituals... he is not cleaned up. His friend Pat King also is the
    same bondage.
