Sunday, June 15, 2008

Angel Worship At Lakeland 'Revival'

Don't let anyone tell you Christ Jesus is being lifted up at the Lakeland 'Revival'. In this audio, all you will hear is Angel, Angel, Angel, Angel, Angel Angel, Angel, Angel. .... ad nauseam. No one who professes Biblical Christianity would do such a thing or allow for this to take place at a revival. Jon at Living in the Way caught this on audio... good catch, Jon!
The Bible tells us in 1 Timothy 2:5 "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ." NOT angels!

It is unbelievable how many people have fallen for this religious scam, especially when the Lord has warned us over and over in His Word and through his true prophets and apostles that there would be false teachers, and impostors in the last days. This is clear evidence of the deplorable condition of the church today.

Todd Bentley clearly shows that he preaches another gospel out of the New Age- occult, which really isn't new at all. It dates back to Adam and Eve in Genesis Chapter 3 when the serpent deceived Eve convincing her to eat of the forbidden fruit and said: "Ye shall not surely die; For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, AND YE SHALL BE AS GODS, knowing good and evil." vs. 4,5

Here are some warnings from the Apostle Paul:Paul wrote to the church at Corinth in I Corinth. 1:22,23 "For the Jews require a sign and the Greeks (Gentiles) seek after wisdom, But WE PREACH CHRIST CRUCIFIED, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks (Gentiles) foolishness; and

"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached,let him be accursed." Galatians 1:8 and

"Let no man beguile you of your reward in the voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath NOT seen, vainly puffed up by his FLESHLY mind," and

Colossians 2:18
"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."2 Corinth. 11:14


  1. Anonymous10:37 PM

    This gets weirder and and weirder all the time. The Only way to make sense out of this nutty stuff is to know that Jesus is real and the Bible is the Word of God. See link to a newsletter below, The Cosmic Christ and Walkins.
    I appreciate your prayers and they are working for us. The "Prophets of Doom" are taking to talk radio calling Pat Holliday evil and under "God's Judgments." They are grouping me together with Todd Bentley and Joel Osteen. Oh, well, if you can't be famous maybe the Devil will try to make you infamous. The Bible warns, "what you do to the least of one of these little ones you'll do unto Me." I am so grateful that Jesus has me covered by His Blood and the Fire of the Holy Ghost... Keep Praying... God is binding up the forces of evil and uncovering more than we ever wanted to know.
    Bentley rushes on the stage to wage spiritual war and get his Third Heaven Star Gates open so that he can acquire his lost angels back. (True Christian's intercessors are praying). "Oh," he says," I hear the mighty warrior's battle cries," Bentley proclaims. In the audience background, the chanting and Indian drumming rose to a new pitch of spiritual warfare. I expected the covered wagons to take to center stage.
    In the video clip below, notice the Indian chanting and the thrashing of Indian drums pounding, beating to summons to the Great White Spirit to come down from the Third Portals while Todd Bentley prays screaming angels, angels, angels and fire, fire and fire down from the heavens; a sensational lady doing a Britney Spears style, demonic Indian dance. Hey, Great! Ladies, now we can get our husbands and sons to go church. They no longer have to go to the go go bars with polls and poking dollar bills into the strange women garters. Bring the boys to the Church and poke the money into the pastor's buckets.
    These spirits are very strong and powerful. Get away from TODD'S GOD CALLED "IT". Satan's counterfeit will resemble a band of wild Indians and tribal warriors dancing shouting battle cries.
    DON'T GO THROUGH THE STAR GATE PORTAL TO THE THIRD HEAVEN. . . . A new powerful newsletter concerning how the "Cosmic Christ and Walk Ins," fit into Opening the Star Gates to the Third Heavens. Here:
    You will find free mp3's from Pat Holliday radio programs here. There are many new mp3's and about six concerning Todd Bentley.

    Pat Holliday

  2. Anonymous10:00 AM

    We hope you will come visit us at "Surrounded By Angels" We are not a angel worshiping network, But we are looking for new teachers of Gods word. You can visit us at:
