Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Christian Church Needs Messianic Believers

The Christian Church Needs Messianic Believers Professor says...

Finally, someone who understands from the Bible that there is only one "elect" of God.  From the Baptist Press, a California Baptist University professor told the Southern Baptist Messianic fFellowship:

INDIANAPOLIS (BP)--The Christian church needs Messianic believers -- Jews who follow Jesus as the Messiah -- for the same reason a man and woman need each other to be one flesh, a California Baptist University professor told the Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship June 7.

Stokes addressed the afternoon session of the fellowship's annual meeting, held prior to the Southern Baptist Convention's June 10-11 annual meeting in Indianapolis."God is one, and He created man and woman and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh,'" said Bruce Stokes, who also leads The DiscipleCenter congregation in Anaheim Hills, Calif. "She doesn't become male and he doesn't become female. The oneness requires both of them."

In the same way, God's plan for His church is for Jews and Gentiles to be themselves, standing side by side and demonstrating the unity within distinctions of God Himself, Stokes said."The Book of Galatians says I am not, as a Gentile, supposed to become a Jew and a Jew is not supposed to become uncircumcised," Stokes said. "Judaizing the Gentiles is forbidden; 'goyification' of Jews is also forbidden, because God wants Jews as Jews and Gentiles as Gentiles being one in the body [of Christ]."Continues Here

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