Friday, June 06, 2008

Franklin Graham's Son Preaches Gospel Celebration:WILL GRAHAM, Son of Franklin Graham Stays In The Family Business

Will Graham and his "Purpose" Driven Gospel' This story gets a big red flag.

"But his message quickly switched gears into the eternal, sounding much like his father and grandfather have over the decades

. 'Only the cross gets you to God. Jesus bled and died because He loves you so much. He died to restore a relationship with you. Come to Him by faith.' Will Graham

"On Saturday night he spoke on knowing one's purpose, and used his pen as an example. Laying the motionless pen on the podium, he said, "The only time this pen will write is when it's in its master's hand, because the master gives it purpose. My friends, the same thing is true with us. When we're in our Master's hands, God's hands, then we can be used for our purpose. God will give you purpose and meaning, but you have to come to the Master. God is waiting on you tonight." Will Graham
Huh? Am I reading this right? In 12 sentences, Will Graham uses the word "purpose" FOUR times. The only time a pen will write is when the master gives it (the pen) purpose? You've got to be kidding me! Am I now to believe that a pen is made in the image of God which gets its purpose from the master from Will Graham's anology?Sounds more like Mr. Purpose Driven himself, Rick Warren wrote Will Graham's script.More here
So where is the message of sin and the need to repent or turn away from sin? It is completely left out of this water-down Gospel message of Christ. How can anyone 'come to Christ' if they first don't know that they are a sinner and must repent of their sins? Without the message of repentence of sin, one cannot be saved.
Jesus clearly taught one must repent.

From that time Jesus began to preach, and say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Matthew 4:17

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