Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Video Clips- Todd Friel and Justin Peters on Todd Bentley Here

New video clip here..... Todd Friel-The Way of the Master Radio interview with Justin Peters on Todd Bentley. Evangelist Justin Peters Exposes the Word of Faith Cult. Pastor Peters also visited the Lakeland 'Revival' and tells us what he witnessed.
A new video clip...-A pastor pronounced "healed" by Todd Bentley Dies 8 Days Later.-Pastor Justin Peters contacted 7 people who went up on stage and said they felt the power of God go through them, but Todd Bentley proclaimed them healed, and none of the 7 are any better, there is no change in their physical condition.-Bentley tells how a man comes back to life after a funeral praising Reverend Todd Bentley.-How people at Bentley’s ‘revival' are worked up into a state of frenzy and hypnosis by 2 hours of repetitive trance music.-How a man inched his way out of a wheelchair, under the orders of Bentley, and fell on the floor, and then people prayed in ‘tongues’ over him for half an hour before lifting him back in.
Folks... Feelings are not biblical truth, and just because someone as Todd Bentley says words that sound biblical, doesn't mean it is from the Holy Spirit. 1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. A big thank you goes to Justin Peters for this information. To learn more about Pastor Justin Peters, whose expertise is in exposing the fradulant Word of Faith teachers and doctrine, you can visit Pastor Justin's website here.

Related Story: My Visit to Lakeland Revival by Evangelist Justin Peters


  1. Amen, Toni. Thank you!

  2. Wow! You've got a lot of stuff on Todd Bentley. I recently found out about him and that guy has every power/gift/manifestation under the sun!!! What really gave me the creeps is the one video where he's laughing. I'm sure you've seen it. The laughing seems angry and mocking. That probably sounds strange that a laugh could be angry but to me, that's the impression I got. (but more so on the mocking)

    I'm putting you on my blogroll and if you don't mind, I'd like to refer to your site as a source for Todd Bentley info on my site.

    Thank you Caron for recommending this site to me. :)


  3. Hi Caron:

    Thank you for visiting and introducing me to Pastor Peters.. What a wonderful asset to the family of God.

    To Carol:

    The more exposure Christian bloggers present on their web sites, the better chance we have for saving those who are doubting and or questioning what is really going on in Lakeland with Todd Bentley.

    May God's blessings fall upon you.


  4. Toni & Carol,
    You are so very welcome! I contacted Justin bc a friend had recommended him to me as I was working with a firm that had gone waaay WoF and was getting into the modern day "prophets" and "super apostles." What a help! I eventually left the firm and yet there was so much damage done and I saw so many people I dearly love so deceived and spreading it all like wildfire... not to mention the "contemplative prayer" movement, etc... very, very sad. I sent them Justin's site and it went over like a lead balloon.

    This site is WONDERFUL! And such a RESOURCE! Thank you, Toni!

    Carol, what is your site?

    Love in Christ our Lord,


  5. Hello Caron,

    I have several sites but the main one is Bible Thumper's Soapbox

    If you click on my name, it should take you to my profile and all of my sites are listed at the bottom. I tried to get to your site but it's not listed in your profile. Can you give me the link?

  6. Hey Carol,
    I don't have a site but if you go to and click on Women's Counsel on Abortion, you can read a little more about me... Probably more than you bargained for :)
    In Him!

  7. Hi Caron:

    I read your amazing testimony at the link you provided. (The link for some reason did not work when "copy and paste" so I had to type it into the search engine; I am so happy for you that you have found joy and peace that only the Lord can give in such a trial and that you have been blessed to turn it around to help others. Many blessings to you,


  8. Caron,

    I read your testimony on that site too and I applaud your honesty and bravery. Praise be to God for giving you a heart of flesh!! :) Praise Him also for the work you are doing.


  9. Thanks, Toni. I really appreciate you.

    Justin will be on Crosstalk with Ingrid Schleuter (sp?):

    *Crosstalk Alert* Wednesday
    I recently posted a message from Justin Peters on the Word of Faith movement and its heretical teachings. This is the movement that has produced so many false teachers, including Todd Bentley and his Lakeland "revival". ...
    Slice of Laodicea -

    Wasn't sure if I had told you that yet...

    Is there a link to more about you on this site or am I overlooking it?

    I love the right hand side bar!
