Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ex Traffic Cop Says He's Jesus

Remote Russian Sect Revolves Around Self-Proclaimed Messiah

A man claiming to be Jesus has gathered a strong following in Russia. More Photos

Deep in the heart of Siberia's birch forests lies one of the largest and most remote religious communes of the planet. More than 5,000 people have left their families and their homes to move here and join the Church of the Last Testament, which has more than 10,000 followers worldwide. The church centers on one man. He is known simply as Vissarion, meaning "he who gives new life," or simply as the teacher, and he claims that he is Jesus Christ. More here

I had to chuckle to myself at first when I read the headlines to this story, tho it's not really funny. I wonder if any of these people in Siberia have Bibles? But I imagine we will see more and more of this in these last days as Jesus himself warned us we would in Matthew's Gospel 24:4,5 of the signs of his coming and the end of the age:

You may want to check this story out at the link,, as there is also more pictures with a video.


  1. Jesus warned us and sure enough, human beings never cease to follow through...

    Fantastic blog!

    God bless,

    Doug G

  2. Hi Doug:

    Thank you for dropping by. Hope to see you again soon. Many blessings to you.

