Monday, July 07, 2008

Greg Laurie Connects Purpose Driven to a Move of God-Gives Financial Support

Greg Laurie Connects Purpose Driven Rick Warren to a Move of God-Gives Financial Support

A very well researched account of the details, from Editors at Lighthouse Trails, this is disturbing news concerning Greg Laurie, pastor of mega-church Harvest Christian Fellowship and the Lighthouse is sending out a warning. An excerpt follows:

"Because Laurie has publicly connected Purpose Driven to a move of God and calls Willow Creek's conferences "significant," Lighthouse Trails has no choice but to issue this warning to the body of Christ. For those who may find this rebuttal too severe, bear in mind that just last month Rick Warren had New Age sympathizer Leonard Sweet speak at his small groups conference. Sweet has stated that small groups are the means in which people can attain to a "christ-consciousness" (a New Age belief). And as for Bill Hybels, this spring Willow Creek featured Brian McLaren at one of their youth conferences. McLaren, who calls the doctrine of hell and the Cross "false advertising for God", is one of the emerging church's most prolific writers and a close associate of Willow Creek. And as Lighthouse Trails has been consistently showing for over five years, both Rick Warren and Bill Hybels are two of the emerging church's most influential proponents, and both heartily promote the mystical contemplative prayer movement (see A Time of Departing, chapter 8). For those who understand the ramifications of the contemplative approach to spirituality this is disconcerting. More from the Lighthouse


  1. The following scripture seems to fit with the doctrine of etenal torment. It is high time this pagan fable be annihilated.

    "they shall be turned away from truth and shall turn to fables"

    Mainstream Christianity is still clinging on to this myth, but with very little physical evidence they truly believe this unbelievable doctrine. Nobody seems motivated to "save" the masses destined to hell.

    Hopefully, the emerging church will embrace the universal reconciliation so clearly taught by Paul.

  2. Hi don:

    Thanks for stopping by.

    The Scriptures say that the Holy Spirit is being poured out in these last days to convict all flesh of sin in John's Gospel, and in Joel Chapter 2,and the heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork Psalm `91:1, so no one is without excuse.
