Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Kenneth Copeland Family Empire

Here's an update on Kenneth Copeland, who preaches the prosperity gospel concerning the vast fortune he, his family and close friends have accumulated from his donated funds and his IRS tax exempt status.

Televangelist's Family Prospers From Ministry
Texas Religious Empire Under Scrutiny Over Its Tangle of Kinship
Kenneth Copeland Still Refuses to Comply With U.S. Senate Committee Probe Into Financial Records

MSNBC, in this article is exposing the fortune that makes up the Kenneth Copeland family and close friend's empire, all through the IRS tax exempt donated funds in the name of "Christian" religion. There seems to be some very suspicious financial dealings I noted as I read the article, which is probably why Copeland's empire is now under governmental scrutiny. Some excerpts:
  • "There are far too many relatives here," said Frances Hill, a University of Miami law professor who specializes in nonprofit tax law. "There's too much money sloshing around and too much of it sloshing around with people with overlapping affiliations and allegiances by either blood or friendship or just ties over the years. There are red flags all over these relationships."
    Neither Kenneth Copeland nor John Copeland, Kenneth's son and the ministry's executive director, responded to interview requests.
  • Copeland's current salary is not made public by his ministry. However, the church disclosed in a property-tax exemption application that his wages were $364,577 in 1995; Copeland's wife, Gloria, earned $292,593.
    The Copeland family, however, is involved in ventures beyond the church world.
  • Marilyn Phelan, a Texas Tech University law professor and author on nonprofit law, said the practice could pose problems. Both the IRS and Texas state law prohibit benefits beyond reasonable compensation for insiders, including board members, she said. If violations are found, nonprofits can lose their tax-exempt status and board members can face penalty taxes. Full Story Here
Related to this story is another one from the Baptist Press reporting that Kenneth Copeland refuses to comply with a senate investigation by Senator Grassley.
  • Four television ministries still have refused to comply fully with a U.S. Senate committee's probe into their financial records nearly nine months after first being asked. Continues at link
Jesus said "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Mark 10:25 Jesus had a reason for teaching this and those who seek after and put their trust in money to buy the riches of this world, and not seek  the provider of all things, are putting their eternal souls in great danger.

Related Story: The Grassley Investigation, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Eddie Long and Paula White


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Whether you support their teachings or not, Copeland has a valid argument against the Grassley investigation. Had Grassley began with the proper IRS investigation, none of this would be going on. Copeland has invited the IRS investigation, and to date there is still NO evidence of wrong doing by any of the 6 organizations involved.

  2. Anonymous12:14 PM

    It has been interesting to watch as the media has presented this situation in its typical slanted view. Copeland is standing up for something that will affect us all in the end. This is yet another way that the government is continuing to push its way into our lives, and Grassley is a pawn for this cause whether he realizes it or not.

  3. Hi:

    Actually, the initial Grassley investigation is only to uncover any descrepencies that may be occurring on the part of Copeland and to give him a fair chance to correct them. Remember, this is only an investigation. Seeing how he is not cooperating with the senate investigation, he is opening the door for more trouble for himself. And yes, according to the report I have posted here, there were discrepencies discovered from Benny Hinn and Joyce Meyers that they are correcting without being penalized.
