Friday, July 18, 2008

More On The One World Religious System and Tony Blair

A One World Religion in the name of anti- malaria, Carla from More Books And Things, has come up with an interesting short clip and video that compliments my article here about Tony Blair's mission to unite all religions. Good find, Carla! It seems as if God's prophetic clock has accelerated within the last week with the birth of the Mediterranean Union and the formation of a one world religious system progressing. News Alert from UTT:

  • The following video clip of Tony Blair promoting his newly formed Faith Foundation with the purpose of working together with all faiths in order to eradicate malaria is a must view for anyone concerned about the road towards a one world religion.

    Also, while viewing this clip, you will see a startling similarity to Pastor Rick Warren's P.E.A.C.E. Plan and his objective to work together with all faiths to attack AIDS. As a note of interest, Rick Warren is a member of the Tony Blair's advisory board for the Faith Foundation.
    June 10 - Blair urges faiths to unite for anti-malaria campaign
    Article: One World Religion

  • Watch video on You Tube ....

  • Related Story: Rick Warren Exposed

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    1. Isn't it interesting (or even a bit scary) how all of these people seem to be working together? I have been trying to map out the connections(training,affiliations, discipleship, doctrine, etc.) from the false prophets in Lakeland to the emergent folks to the one world government/religion. So far, the chart looks like an octopus with arms going every direction. My husband laughs when I say this reminds me of the movie "Conspiracy Theory"; sometimes, I find myself wishing that this was just fiction, too.

      Miriam at End Times Prophetic had a link to an article about a palace of religions (United Religions) that has been suggested to be built in Rome.
      Representatives of all faiths could meet together there to discuss religious issues. It would be similar to the United Nations, and apparently both the secretary of the UN and the Pope are in favor of it.

    2. Hi Vicki:

      Yes, it is indeed interesting. The world is full of anti-christ new age one world false doctrines that will make up the one world religious system of the anti christ. The spirit of anti christ is working overtime. Thanks for the article. I have thought that the pope would be the false prophet, but that's just a "theory". The church of Rome certainly is not biblical Christianity.
