Friday, July 25, 2008

Paul or Jesus? or Just Another Attempt to Discredit Christianity?

I came across this article, which appears to be what can only be a complete attempt to destroy the testimony of the Jewish Apostle Paul, his testimony of the Saviour Jesus Christ, and his writings, which compile most of the New Testament. It is apparent after reading this that the writer is simply another one who is on a mission to destroy Christianity. This poor deluded soul goes out of her way to pick apart the great and humble Apostle Paul's writings, in an effort to discredit Paul's apostleship and even goes so far to say Paul was not chosen by Jesus Christ as the original 12 Jewish Apostles were in her futile attempts to destroy Paul's credentials. She says:
  • " Paul was a self proclaimed Apostle, never was he appointed by Yahshua like the REAL twelve were."
This is a complete fallacy as Jesus Himself, in the Acts Of The Apostles, or Acts for short, emphasizes Paul as a chosen vessel for Him when speaking to the disciple of the Lord An-a-ni-as in a vision, saying:

  • Go thy way, for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake.  Acts 9:15,16
Interesting, all of the scriptures in the New Testament she uses in her absurd attempts to discredit the Apostle Paul, she couldn't find the one I refer to above?

Anyway, I thought I would take the time to expose this fallacy and to warn people since Christianity is under attack more and more, you will be seeing more stuff like this.

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