Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pope Benedict Invites 'Religions' To Unite-Australia

In this video, Pope Benedict, during his recent Australia trip, urges religions to unite . This short clip further reveals the pope's push for a One World Religion, in the making before our very eyes. From the video:
Religion is a contributor to peace, and not to violence, testifying to friendship and reciprocal sharing, and not to hatred.

 As a sign of the commitment to inter-religious dialogue and reconciliation among all people, a meeting with Pope Benedict XVI and about forty leaders of other faiths took place at St. Mary's Cathedral in Sidney. Continues at link

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  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Inviting religious leaders to talk through ways of resolving conflicts through non-violent means, yes, he is definitely doing that. Pushing for a one world religion, no, he's hardly doing that. Sounds like you're buying into conspiracy theories without sifting the wheat from the chaff. As an evangelical Christian I'd urge you to look closer at the commandment about not bearing false witness. Test hi by all means but test conspiracies too.

  2. Hi matt:

    No conspiracy here, matt. The papal history, the history of the RCC and its false teachings all speak for itself. I suggest you read my articles I have listed in the left sidebar-"The Sabotage of Biblical Christianity by the Roman Catholic Church."
