Friday, July 04, 2008

Ray Comfort to Speak With Word Faith Heretics

Ray Comfort has stirred up a controvesary over at Apprising Ministries, Slice and Christian Research Net over Word Faith Heretics

It must be a slow news day at Apprising Ministries, Slice and Christian Research Net. It seems these three have appointed themselves lord over the body of Christ and are now unjustly ganging up on Brother Ray Comfort because of an appointmet he accepted to speak with Word of Faithers.

My personal thoughts on this whole ordeal is to wait until Brother Comfort sins before casting stones at him. We should be thankful that the Lord has put it upon his heart to give these lost souls the true gospel of Christ, that he is obedient and be praying for him. In the meantime, perhaps some need to take the log out of their own eye while they wait? Enough has been said about Word of Faith false doctrine at this site and others, however didn't Jesus say "Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather you together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn in Matthew 13:30?"

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Related Stories: Ray Comfort Responds Over Speaking to Word Faith Heretics
Word Faith Heretic Hears Ray Comfort's Message of Salvation and Finds True Salvation
Word Faith Heretics and Ray Comfort Again-What's Up Ray Comfort?
Technorati Tags: Word Faith Heretics, Ray Comfort, Apprising Ministries, Christian Research Net, Slice of Laodicea


  1. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I agree with you...

    As Christians we need to show responsibility when voicing a warning. If we don't and just automatically assume something, without absolute 100% proof, we can become like the little boy who cried wolf.

    It will end up with no one paying any heed to those who cry 'wolf' (or apostate) when the real wolves are approaching.

    make sense?

  2. Indeed, pj, Christians must be accountable for what they say about other Christians in a public, secular forum. I am shocked that this was even brought to the public's attention. Ray Comfort has his own ministry for the Lord and he answers to Him. If God has convicted him and placed it upon his heart to speak to the Word of Faithers, who are we to argue?
