Saturday, July 05, 2008

Word Faith Heretic Hear's Ray Comfort's Message of Salvation

I think this clarifies Slice of Laodicea's and Apprising Ministries negative connotations concerning Brother Ray Comfort's giving the true Gospel message to Word Faith heretics, the lost and unsaved posted here.


has received a remarkable testimony from a person named Al that was involved in a Word Faith heretic church and whom received true salvation thru the preaching of Ray Comfort that is well worth sharing. This is what happens when true men of God answer the call and are obedient to the Lord they serve, and go where they are sent to share the true salvation message of Jesus Christ inspite of the negative reactions and criticism they receive from outsiders. When we answer God's call to be the mouth piece, He will always do the convicting of sin through His Holy Spirit.
  • Ray’s preaching at a WOF church revealed to me I was a false convert
    I “accepted Jesus” in 1977 praying a sinners prayer from a Christian book in my office. I visited many churches but everywhere I visited I found a very lukewarm church. I ended up believing the faith message. I went to a local bible college and became a licensed and ordained minister of the Gospel “WOF style”. Soon afterwards I became the administrator of a WOF church with about a thousand members. After that I pastored a small church for about 2 years. I started watching The Way of the Master program in 05′ on TBN and thought it was great but did not fully grasp the underlying message. In March of 2006 in a motel room with my laptop I went to a faith church website to watch one of my favorite faith teachers. To my surprise I noticed that Ray Comfort had taught at their conference. I decided to watch the 2 messages that Ray taught. The first was Hell’s best kept Secret. This message raised my eyebrow and my curiosity. I knew it was scripturally correct and wondered why I had never heard this kind of message before. The next night I watched “True and False Conversion”. As I listened to Ray describe, plainly and scripturally, what a Christian was and was not, I FELL UNDER CONVICTION FOR MY SIN. I was under a powerful conviction for 3 days crying out to God in repentance and begging for God to save me. I trembled before Him, realizing that I believed I was saved, but after examining myself scripturally, I knew I was LOST! How could I be deceived for 27 years, I had read the bible many, many times, studied it, meditated on it, loved it and preached it, I was horrified!
    I thank God that Ray went to that faith church. Today, because of the faithful preaching of the word of God and by God’s grace I am truly changed. My life has been radically different. I am very sensitive to sin and now the fruit of Gods spirit is growing in me. I have taught the way of the master class at my church and regularly share my faith. I am also of the reformed faith now. My family has also been dramatically changed with many coming to true faith in Christ. I am very thankful to Ray for being obedient to God and thankful to God for redeeming me out of my deception.
Jesus said in Luke's GospelLikewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. 15:10

How many more Word Faith heretics will be saved because of Ray Comfort's presentation of the true Gospel message only God's knows.

Let's keep Ray in our prayers that God's will be done.

Tags: Word Faith Heretic, Ray Comfort, Apprising Ministries, Slice of Laodicea

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    WOW--What a wonderful God. Just when we think we have God all figured out, He goes ahead and proves us wrong!
