Wednesday, August 06, 2008

China Cracks Down to Clean Christians Out of Beijing

China's Ongoing Persecution of the Christian Church Moves To Fast Forward As The Olympics Draw Near from WND
China has made headlines in its efforts to clean smog from Beijing's Olympic skies, but word is leaking out that the government is also making efforts to clean Christians out of the streets as the games draw near.
"There's been a dramatic rise in cases of persecution that we've seen in the months leading up to the Olympics," a staff writer for China Aid Association, Daniel Burton, told WND. "We've received reports that the government wants to eradicate the house church before the start of the Olympics."

China Aid Association, an organization dedicated to helping persecuted Christians and founded by a man who escaped from China after being imprisoned for teaching Bible classes, maintains ties with China's underground church. Those sources tell CAA that state police have taken up a new tactic: compelling discovered house church Christians in the Beijing area to sign a covenant promising not to meet from July 30 to Sept. 30, the time period the Olympics and Paralympics are being held in the city.

Also, from the Christian Newswire, three Americans were arrested in China standing in solidarity w/the persecuted Christians and victims of human rights abuses:
Three American Christians Released from Custody After Arrests in Beijing
Group plans a press conference in China to discuss forced abortion and other human rights abuses

WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 -- Three Christian activists were arrested in Tiananmen Square and forcibly taken into custody after displaying a banner that read "Jesus Christ Is King" in both English and Chinese. They were later released.

Rev. Pat Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington DC, Brandi Swindell of Generation Life in Boise, Idaho, and Michael McMonagle, National Director of Generation Life were standing in solidarity with the victims of human rights abuses, including forced abortion, religious persecution of Christians, and other denials of fundamental civil liberties. More at link

Tags: Beijing Olympics, Persecuted House Church of China

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