Sunday, August 31, 2008

Gustav Heads For the Gulf as Condi Urges The Division of Jerusalem

A massive destructive storm called Gustav is headed directly for the Gulf Coast of America, and again New Orleans is directly in its path while at the same time, Condi Rice pulls a Solomon to split Jerusalem in two and the "palestinian" media is reporting that Rice is urging the division of Jerusalem.
"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the seige both against Judah and against Jerusalem, And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: ALL THAT BURDEN THEMSELVES WITH IT SHALL BE CUT IN PIECES Zechariah 12:2,3

Will the leader of America, meaning President Bush, ever learn to take God and His Word seriously? Here we are three years later almost to the date after Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005 killed 1600 people in one of the worst natural disasters ever to hit America, and totally destroyed the area involved and President Bush and Condi Rice are making the same mistake all over again. At the time Katrina hit New Orleans, the killer hurricane had been forming and directing itself under the watchful eye and control of God himself while just prior to, President Bush and Condi Rice were again busying themselves with the division of God's land in a land for peace give away deal, forcefully uprooting the Jewish people from their homes in Gaza after years of settling there, and also forcefully uprooting the Jewish people from the "West Bank," or Israel's heartland of Judea and Samaria, to give to Israel's enemies known as the Gaza Disengagement. The area of Gaza where the Jewish people made their homes and were prosperous in whatever they raised in the rich soil of the area has been completely destroyed and taken over by the terrorist organization Hamas. And now President Bush wants to divide Jerusalem and give it to these same terrorist enemies of the Jewish people, literally putting a terrorist state inside of Israel.

Friends, there are very serious consequences for dividing God's land and Jerusalem, as He has warned all in His Word, and these are very serious times we are living in. Only the very foolish would deliberately provoke the ire of God, as is being done again with the negotiations of Jerusalem taking place behind closed doors. The Almighty God who keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. Psalm 121:4, and there will be a big price to pay for America's involvement in these secret or otherwise negotiations to divide Jerusalem.

The Bible is full of scripture where God used the weather to chasten and or to punish those who were in disobedience and direct defiance to his instructions. When we turn away from our creator God and slap Him in the face continually as has been done, God being a sovereign God can and will, I believe, use whatever means He chooses to humble us, including the weather, to get the attention of those who are not listening to what He has written in His Word. God uses all kinds of means to judge people and nations as the Word of God clearly reveals and one of these means is the weather. This is a major reason why it is of upmost importance to elect righteous officials within the government as ultimately, as a nation, we will reap what we have sown. Concerning the consequences of dividing Israel, I highly recommend the book "Eye to Eye - Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel"
Let us all keep the citizens in the path of this storm in our prayers and pray for their safety.
Deadly Gustav Ready to Wallap Gulf Coast

Tags: Hurricane Gustav, Dividing Jerusalem, Hurricane Katrina

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