Monday, August 04, 2008

Kidnapped Pakistani Christian Girls, 13 and 10 Years Old, Forced to Convert to Islam

Pray for these two sisters who were abducted at gunpoint by a muslim man, sold and then forced to convert to Islam, with the 13 year old being forced to marry; also, please keep this story moving.
According to Aftab Alexander Mughal, of Minorities Concern of Pakistan, Saba Younis, 13 years old, and Anila, 10 years old, sisters and Christians, were kidnapped on June 26 by a Muslim man Muhammad Arif Bajwa and then forcibly converted to Islam. When the matter came before the court, Main Naeem Sardar, District and Sessions Judge Muzaffargarh, on July 12, ordered that the girls are not to be remanded to their Christian parents because the girls are Muslim now.

The father of the girls, Younis Masih, filed an appeal to the high court where Muslim lawyer Rashid Rehman pleaded his case. The court did not believe that the girls accepted Islam by their own free will; therefore, the girls were sent to a 'darul aman' in order to be relieved of pressure on the part of Muslims. The girls will again appear in court on Aug. 4 and the case will then be decided according to the girls' statement.
"At least now the girls would be out of some pressure from those Muslims with whom they forcedly lived for 34 days," said Rashid Rehman, who appeared before the court on Masih's behalf, as told to Minorities Concern of Pakistan.

The girls were kidnapped by Muslim fruit vendor Muhammad Arif Bajwa in Chowk Munda, a small town in South Punjab. They had come from Chak No. 552, a Muslim-dominated village, to Chowk Munda to visit their uncle. Bajwa kidnapped the girls at gun point and told them to remain silent or they would be killed. The girls were then sold to another Muslim man Falak Sher Gill , a well-known criminal. On June 27 the girls were forcefully converted to Islam, and on June 28 Saba Younis was made to marry Gill's son Muhammad Amjid after receiving a fatwa (religious decree) from a Muslim religious leader, to justify their actions. Later on, it was disclosed that the Muslim religious leader was bribed to provide the 'fatwa.'

This is the second time, that Christian girls from this area have been kidnapped and forcibly converted to Islam and made to marry a Muslim man without their consent.

More here

Update August 23, 2008
Kidnapped Children Forced to Convert and Marry Muslims Lose Court Case

Tags:Christian Girls Kidnapped, Islam, Christian, Muslim, Pakistan

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