Thursday, November 06, 2008

ACLU Launches Court Action To Overturn Prop. 8

They're called tolerant and often referred to as the left, liberal, civil liberties, democratic, political correct, diversity, choice, etc. Semantics and word games they have employed to deceive have given them many victories. Don't be fooled! Let's call it what it is. No American would ever give up their God given freedoms under the American Consitution for communism and socialism, the only one of it's kind on the planet; but under the guise of these word games, the enemies living among us have been sneaking it in.

They represent socialism and communism, marxism and dictatorship, and are out to destroy America and its God-given biblical moral standards that this country was founded upon, and everything that resembles God and Jesus Christ in whatever guise they can from within; and they have infiltrated your and my government and the court system and the American educational system across America through one of these names or other, but it is written, Jesus, the resurrected Christ, said: I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:8
Even as the last votes were being counted, the American Civil Liberties Union and other opponents of Proposition 8 filed a challenge with the state Supreme Court. They contended that it cannot be used to undermine one group's access to rights enjoyed by other citizens. (Read earlier story:
"Major pro-family victory in California")

The city attorneys in Los Angeles and San Francisco also filed a request with the Supreme Court to invalidate the amendment's approval, arguing that it deprives homosexuals of constitutional rights. More
Related Story: Prop. 8 Protestors Target Mormon Temple in Westwood

Tag: ACLU, communism, socialism, Proposition 8

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