Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Israelis in United States Desperate To Return Home To Israel

An interesting prophetic development is happening as a result of the financial meltdown (real or manufactured) in the United States involving the Jewish people. Praise the Lord that these Jewish people are heeding the call:
  • Consulates in North America report of flux of Israelis asking for help getting back to Jewish state after losing money in financial crisis; Absorption, Foreign ministries mulling forming possible airfare aid fund
  • Many Israelis living in the United States have approached the Israeli consulates in North America recently, asking for their help in getting back to Israel. More


The days are come, declares the Lord, when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their forefathers to possess, says the Lord." - Jeremiah 30:3

Tag: Financial Crisis, Jewish People in the United States, United States Israelis


  1. Not surprising! I don't blame them!

    I finally got a chance to semi-catch up on my blog today. There's SO much going on!!

  2. Hi Matt:

    It's been a very busy time for me too and I am quite a bit behind. There is just too much happening in the world today to keep up with and post it all. It seems like almost everything I read is quite relavent, but I would never get anything done if I commented on all that I go through.
