Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Lament For America

I would be neglectful if I didn't share with my readers this captivating article from Biblical Christianity "A Lament For America." The writer expresses in so many ways what I feel concerning this past election of 2008 and the vote, and the pathetic and seemingly hopeless condition of America, and the blindness of many of the people who live in America, and I cannot help but think many of my readers also feel this. Please do stop over at Biblical Christianity and read this. I promise you, you will not be disappointed even as you lament.
  • I had a bad feeling when my Bible reading the morning of the 5th turned out to include 2 Kings 17. I gulped.If the title gives you the impression that this won't be a happy-face, good-loser post, you are correct. Be warned. I'm in earnest. If you keep reading — which I seriously do not necessarily advise — you'll have that same experience that, to my bafflement, keeps surprising people. That is, you'll find that (oh, no!) I really meant everything I said. More

Tag: Election 2008, Lament For America

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