Saturday, January 03, 2009

There Is No Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Says Missionary- Christians in Gaza-Humanitarian Aid

Here's an eye witness report from a missionary in Israel that I received. While the anti-semitic UN is peddling its propaganda of a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the opposite is true. Israel has been allowing so much humanitarian aid into Gaza, that there isn't room for any more.
Shalom,Wow! What a day! I went the Media Center near Gaza with 2 Journalists. Iinterviewed a Government Spokesman and someone from the Ministry of ForeignAffairs. The report may not be on the website until Monday but to listen tothe interview click here:

It was quiet all day until we left Sderot (1 mile from Gaza). As I wasdriving away the sirens began to wail. Around 4:00 PM I got back toAshkelon and dropped off one of the reporters then my friend and I began todrive out of town. Suddenly the Code Red sirens began to blare again.Everyone stopped in their tracks and ran from their cars. My friend said"We have to go now", I said, "You mean leave my car in the middle of thestreet?" He said "Now!" So I shut off the engine and we ran for coverbehind a cement wall. Two seconds later the explosion came and a house washit one man was lightly wounded. We ran back to the car and immediately, wesaw people running for ambulances. We went to a nearby restaurant to get acup of coffee before the ride home. We were watching the news about thepreceding 3 explosions when all of a sudden the sirens began wail again. Welooked at each other and at the staff. (We were the only ones in therestaurant). They said "Hurry, this way"...and we took cover behind a wall.This time I grabbed my coat! (I'm learning!) Five seconds later a hugeexplosion shook the building. (At least my reaction time is gettingbetter).

We decided it was time to leave Ashkelon.The Jewish journalists that I have been spending time with have seen theLord doing miracles around us. Even yesterday there seemed to be a break inthe rocket activity as we were getting interviews, and nothing happeneduntil we left the town. I thank you all for your prayers for protection andfor these people to know the Lord in a personal way.

HELP FOR GAZA - Israel is allowing on the average 90 trucks a day into Gaza for Humanitarian Aid. Since the beginning of "Operation Cast Lead" 6,500 tons of humanitarian relief has entered Gaza. There is so much aid that the receiving organizations have denied any further aid at the moment - the warehouses are overflowing".

(IDF Spokesperson)TUNNELS FROM EGYPT - There are reported to be 1,200 tunnels from Egypt toGaza. (Israel had struck some of them)

DEMONSTRATIONS AGAINST ISRAEL AND USA - More than 10,000 Muslims marchedthrough Indonesia's capital Jakarta to protest the ongoing bombing raids inGaza, aiming fake missiles labeled "Target: Tel Aviv, Israel" at the U.S.Embassy.

GAZAN GIRL SAYS IT'S HAMAS' FAULT - A young Arab girl whose family memberswere killed in Gaza says in a TV interview, "I say Hamas is the cause of allwars." The girl told of how she woke in the morning and part of her roomhad collapsed: "We were sleeping 7 girls in the room. We were asleep anddidn't know what was happening. In the morning all the bricks were on top ofmy head, and the heads of all my sisters. My 4 year old sister next to mewas dead. In the other room dead were my mother, my father, my youngerbrother and another sister, who is 13 days old. I say, Hamas is the cause,in the first place, of all wars." The interview was translated into Englishby Palestinian Media Watch


With a Christian population of around 3,000 people, theHamas takeover in June 2007 led to a series of attacks on Christianinstitutions. Attacks included murder, vandalism, bombings and abductions,most especially targeting schools and churches. Last Wednesday, jihadistsfired a mortar at the Erez Crossing into Israel just as a group ofChristians were on line, waiting to travel to Bethlehem for Christmas. MostGazan Christians belong to the Greek Orthodox Church, while others are RomanCatholic.


Arab rioters threw rocks at a Border Guard forceTuesday afternoon in the northern Jerusalem Arab neighborhood of Shuafat.The soldiers responded with riot-dispersal weapons, lightly wounding threeof the demonstrators.

ISRAEL POPULATION - According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel'spopulation at the end of 2008 stands at almost 7.4 million. More than threequarters of the population are Jewish, while more than 20 percent are Arabs.Natural population growth was consistent with the last five years at 1.8percent. Aliyah (immigration) was down this past year in general. The numberof English speakers moving to Israel is up.


The Israel Defense Forces hasunveiled a new tactic meant to reduce civilian casualties, phoning homesbefore they are to be targeted in order to give people time to flee theattack. Palestinians reported that in some cases, the caller leaves amessage on their voice mail warning that the IDF will bomb any house whereweapons or rockets are found and the owners of the houses will be the onesto suffer the consequences. The IDF has also used a sound bomb to warncivilians before striking homes. The IDF has also used what they are calling"roof knocking" operations, in which they inform the residents of suspectedbuildings that they have 10 minutes to leave the premises. In some cases,residents of suspected houses have been able to prevent bombing by climbingup to the roof to show that they will not leave, prompting IDF commanders tocall off the strike. In these cases, the IAF sometimes launches a relativelyharmless missile at the corner of the roof, avoiding casualties butsuccessfully dispersing the crowd. It appears that the "roof knocking"technique was used in the assassination of Hamas leader Nizar GhayanThursday, but Ghayan decided to stay indoors with his family, and the armyopted to bomb the house anyway. Sources familiar with Ghayan's record saidhe was one of the people who encouraged Gazans to climb on rooftops toprevent bombings.Thank you again for your prayers and encouragement

Related Story: There Is No Humanitarian Problems In Gaza Says UN Middle East Envoy
Related Story: Check Out Gaza's New Luxury Mall-Hamas Staged Humanitarian Crisis

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