Monday, February 16, 2009

Livni: We Need To Give Up Parts Of Israel and Biblical Borders

With headlines calling for giving up it's biblical borders that include today's Israel, you have to wonder whose side Tzipi Livni is on; the jihadists or the Jewish people of Israel, who overwhelmingly are against a 'palestinian' state inside of the land of Israel; and if she has already forgotten the self- destructive results to Israel from the Jews unilaterally withdrawing from Gush Katif - Gaza under P.M. Sharon with the help of G.W. Bush in 2005 to the jihadists? And who is running the government of Israel now with no new government formed as of yet after the Israeli February 10th election?

Already,I can see the two top contenders for P.M. of Israel, Livni and Netanyahu succuumbing to international pressure from the E.U, Russia, the U.S.of A, the Arabs, and the U.N. to give away the land of Israel for peace to these made up 'palestinians' who are Jordanian Arabs and should be sent back to Jordan where they came from and let King Abdullah II deal with his problem. Which also brings me to ask again: who is running the government of Israel, and it is obvious to me it is not the Jews. Something also tells me that God will not allow this to happen and that He will divinely intervene to prevent it, such as another war between Israel and her enemies, or Iran.

There is a major problem with Livni's solution for peace. The land of Israel is not hers to give away or sell: The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine, for ye are strangers and sojourners with me. Leviticus 25:23

"Livni: Give Up half of 'Land of Israel," by Aron Heller for Associated Press:

JERUSALEM – Tzipi Livni, who hopes to be appointed Israel's prime minister-designate, said Monday Israel must give up considerable territory in exchange for peace with the Palestinians, drawing a clear distinction with her rival, Benjamin Netanyahu. She told a convention of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Organizations, "we need to give up half of the Land of Israel," using a term that refers to biblical borders that include today's Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.

She explained that such a withdrawal would be for the good of Israel, to maintain it as a Jewish state.... Continues

Pray for the leaders of Israel that they will lead Israel and the Jewish people into righteousness and that they will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, their Lord and Messiah of Israel.

Tags: Israel, Tzipi Livni, Gush Katif, Land for Peace, Netanyahu, Give Up Half of Israel

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