Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Europe and World Not Impressed With Obama, "President of the World"

From France to Poland, from the Czech Republic to China, nations are rebuffing President Obama and offering little wiggle room for him to negotiate economic and security policies.
From the sounds of this article from Fox News, European countries and countries all over the world are no longer impressed with or are endorsing Obama. This is hopeful news; perhaps Americans all over America are seeing through Obama also, without the help of mainstream news reporters. It looks like the honeymoon is over but how long Obama will be able to play his con game is anyone's guess.
Months after Europe anointed candidate Obama the next leader of the free world, he faces a potential 'public relations disaster' there at next week's G20 summit

Only nine months ago, when he addressed an estimated 200,000 people in Germany, Barack Obama was heralded as "president of the world."

But now that he's president of the United States, the world doesn't appear to be following up on its endorsement.

From France to Poland, from the Czech Republic to China, many nations are rebuffing the president and offering little wiggle room for him to negotiate economic and security policies.

Obama faces his first major international test next week when the world's largest economies meet at the G20 summit in London.

"I think as the president heads to Europe, he faces a huge public relations disaster," said Nile Gardiner, director of the conservative Heritage Foundation's Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom.

"Europe is increasingly turning against his massive spending plans, which most European leaders see as a destructive way to move forward for the global economy and will only add to a massive American debt burden," Gardiner told More at link

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

Tag: G-20 Summit, Europe, President of the World, Obama

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