Sunday, March 01, 2009

European Chiefs Propose Global Rules

While the Europeans are busy proposing 'global rules' to fight the 'global' financial crisis, Obama in America is frantically trying to bury the United States in debt with socialistic and communistic changes, scoffing at the American Constitution, which would force America into their global rules by handing its bankrupted autonomy and sovereinty over to the new world order.

Here's a bit of confirmation of what I suspected from the start that gives indication of who Obama really works for and his global agenda, and why he is set upon bankrupting America with his pork stimulus agenda, and other communistic changes. As this article from New Zealand implies, it's all about taking away America's independence and bring America into line with the one world global governing system.

BERLIN - European leaders mounted a united front against the global financial crisis yesterday, proposing sweeping new market regulations, but it remained unclear whether economic giants like the United States and China would go along.

Heads of government and finance ministers from Europe's largest economies joined German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin to lay the groundwork for a common European position on economic reforms before an April 2 summit of the Group of 20 nations in London.

Even the global crisis and a change of Administration may not be enough to convince the US to hand over its autonomy.

"I see the US as wary of giving away powers of oversight and regulation," said Robert Brusca of Fact And Opinion in New York. More

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

Jesus said: Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.  Matthew 5:5

Related Story: Kissinger: Obama Will Use World Crisis to Form New World Order (Video)

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