Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Johan Huibers- Taking The Gospel of Christ to The Netherlands in Noah's Ark

One Man And a Vision- Johan Huibers
The Lord has his people all over doing His work to get the job done in these last days.
In this particular mission, God has big plans for The Netherlands, and he has just the right person in mind for the job. In this inspiring story, Johan Huibers tells how he was lead to build a replica of Noah's Ark with God's providence in the project to share the Gospel of Christ throughout The Netherlands. Many blessings to Johan for his obedience to the Lord's call upon his life as he takes the Gospel of Christ to the Netherlands in Noah's Ark.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

As Johan says, "‘The people in the Netherlands have to be reached by the Gospel. That is the aim of the “Ark”. In the past most people went to church and heard the Word on Sundays. Now they don’t go to church anymore, so to reach them, God uses other means." Full story here

God doesn't call the equipped... He equips the called.

Tags: Noah's Ark, Johan Huibers, Gospel of Christ, The Netherlands


  1. Vanochtend is het voor het eerst, dat ik over dezeArk van Johan Huibers hoorde of las. Dit is groots werk, ik kreeg tranen in mijn ogen toen ik de foto's van zijn werk zag. Geweldig evangelistisch werk. Ik verlang weer naar Nederland toe te gaan alleen maar om in de ark te mogen zijn.

    Dank je TonI, veel succes met je werk. Mijn petje af voor Johan Huibers.

    Budi Purnama Pondok Indah Jakarta Indonesia.


  2. Translation of above comment from Budi

    This morning, for the first time that I have heard of Johan Huibers dezeArk or read. This is great work, I got tears in my eyes when I saw photos of his work. Great evangelistisch work. I desire again to go to the Netherlands to the Ark.

  3. Hello Budi:

    Thank you for visiting here. Indeed, it is a very great work of this godly man. The Netherlands is in dire need of the Gospel of Christ. See:

    Dutch Council Says ‘Jesus Saves’ Has To Go-Mr. Van Ooigen Says Jesus Saves Is Here To Stay


