Friday, March 20, 2009

Police Prepares to Ban Palestinian Cultural Festival in Jerusalem

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that

Police are preparing large forces to prevent a Palestinian cultural festival from taking place in Jerusalem on Saturday, Israel Radio reported Friday.

During the festival, the Palestinian Authority which sponsors it, plans to declare Jerusalem the Palestinian cultural capital.

Police said the reason to prevent the festival from taking place is a law against the PA holding activities within Israel.
This is indeed good news to see the Israelis take control of this complete and utter fabrication considering. Jerusalem is, always has been and always will be the eternal undivided capital of Israel and there is no such thing as an "Arab Palestinian" history or nation before the Arabs manufactured one shortly after 1948, and then especially after the June 1967 Arab-Israeli War.

There is no such thing as a "palestinian culture, or palestinian money, let alone a "palestinian people." There is no difference between Jordanians, "palestinians, " Syrians and Lebanese. "Palestine" has always been synonymous with Eretz Israel or the Land of Israel. Even the so-called leader of the "Palestinian" people, the terrorist Yasser Arafat, who coined the term "palestinian" people was Egyptian.

Archeological sites to this very day continue to yield artifacts with Hebrew writing, not some fictitious "Palestinian" or Arabic text. The so-called "Palestinian" Arabs were simply then, as they are now, Arabs no different culturally, historically or ethnically from other Arabs living in any of the 24 Arab countries from which they emigrated.

Israel first became a nation in 1312 B.C.E., two thousand years before the rise of Islam. Seven hundred and twenty-six years later in 586 B.C.E. these first ancient Jews in the Land of Israel in Judea were overrun and Israel's first Jewish Temple in Jerusalem's Old City Temple Mount was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, king of ancient Babylon. Many of the Jews were killed or expelled; however many were allowed to remain. These Jews along with their progeny and other Jews who would resettle over the next 500 years, rebuilt the Nation of Israel and also a second Temple in Jerusalem upon the Temple Mount. Thus the claim that Jews suddenly appeared fifty years ago right after the Holocaust and drove out the Arabs is preposterous.

The suggestion that the "Palestinians" are some sub-group of Arabs with their own unique identity is pure fiction and great anti Israel propaganda used by the Arabs and the world. And had not the Arabs continued to brainwash generation upon generation into believing this hogwash about some ancient "Arab Palestinian" ties to the Holy Land, most could have gotten themselves a real life by now with much less bloodshed and suffering for everyone concerned.

Tags: Palestinian, Arabs, Jerusalem, Capital of Israel, Yassar Arafat, Eretz Israel

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