Friday, March 13, 2009

Scientist: Use Aborted Fetus Organs in Transplants

Abortion News Update:
To be honest with you, I was under the impression this was already going on, but according to this article, the unthinkable is now being proposed. Abort the unborn baby called a fetus and use their organs for transplant use.
    Spontaneous abortions, or miscarriages usually occur in the first trimester so obviously the organs would not even be developed or large enough for transplant use. Therefore, I would be inclined to assume that what is being proposed here is more in the area of a late term abortion. The deliberate taking of one life to save another is still murder no matter how you define it.
  • Kidneys and livers from aborted foetuses could be given to the desperately ill and ease the organ donor shortage, a leading scientist has claimed.
    Professor Sir Richard Gardner, an Oxford University stem cell expert, said foetal tissues may offer a more realistic solution to the lack of organs than other technologies being developed.
    But the proposal has horrified pro-life and Christian groups, who say it is 'morally abhorrent', and raises the prospect of abortions being timed to suit transplant patients.

The use of aborted foetuses 'is something that could be done but it's not something that's talked about much', Sir Richard said. He added: 'It is at least a temporary solution.'


Jeremiah 1:5:Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Tag: Abortion, Transplant Organs, Aborted Fetus Organs

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