Monday, April 20, 2009

Holocaust Remembrance Day- Yom Hashoah

Tuesday, April 21, the Jewish State of Israel will be acknowledging all those who died in the Holocaust, and those who helped to save the Jews.

On this Holocaust Remembrance Day, or in Hebrew Yom Hashoah, let people of all nationalities proclaim with the Jewish people, who lost 6,000,000 of their brethren in the worst crime against humanity in the history of the world. "Never again!"

One of the best kept secrets because the media never talks about it is the three million innocent Christians Hitler murdered in WWII, mostly Poles who were predominantly Catholic.

Irena Sendler

Another well kept secret of the Holocaust is the number of Gentiles who helped the Jews escape Hitler's death camps, at the risk of death themselves. In Poland at the time, anyone caught helping a Jew was immediately executed.The Yad Vashem museum in Israel honors those "Righteous Among The Nations" for helping to save the Jewish people under Hitler's death sentence, where Poland ranks number one among forty nations with over 5,500 people who risked their lives to save the lives of Jews.

History has a way of repeating itself and we are again seeing anti-semetic attacks at an alarming rate take place around the world, especially in Europe and the Middle East, with calls by the racist Ahmadinejad to wipe Israel off the map. At the same time, we are also seeing a world-wide demonization and attack on Bible believing Christians with a criminalization of Christianity.

Together, the church of Jesus Christ and all peoples of the world must stand with and unite in one voice and say with the Jews "Never again!".

Israel mine inheritance Isaiah 19:25

Tags: Holocaust Remembrance Day, Yom Hashoah, Yad Vashem, Righteous Among The Nations

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liberator_Rev:

    Thank you for your comments; however, I am not, in this article, addressing the Vatican's role in the Holocaust, which I am well aware of, but the ordinary 'catholic' Poles who helped the Jews, which I am still waiting for the censored media in place today to report.

    Jesus said you must be born again in order see the Kingdom of God. Are you?
