Sunday, April 26, 2009

Swine Flu Outbreak Updates

I find it very unusual that while Drudge Headlines is reporting the following updates regarding the outbreak of Swine Flu, still nothing is being done to close the borders between Mexico and the United States of America where would be illegal alien carriers of the virus cross over the border from Mexico into America. I also think it very strange that it is being reported that there is no evidence of bio-terror. There are four different strains of flu virus involved here, never before seen that leads any competent medical professional to look at a man-made epidemic. Third, Communist and Marxist friendly leaning governments such as is seen in the United States of America create a crisis, and then bring in the perfect solution to the crisis they have created to further promote their agenda and to maintain their popularity.

How utterly stupid and useless. Giving custom officials protective clothing will not stop the virus from spreading once a would be carrier of this virus has crossed over the border from Mexico into the United States of America.

If I was a conspiracy theorist, I would certainly think that creating a flu pandemic to further bring down the economy of the United States of America and the entire world to promote Obama's New World Order scheme would be the ideal plan. But, then, I am not a conspiracy theorist. To give you a clearer perspective into what may be going on here, if you haven't read Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent To 18 Counties that I reported about in March, I urge you to do so.

Now, from Drudge Report, here's those headlines:

JANET: EVENTS DO NOT WARRANT TESTING OF PLANE PASSENGERS FROM MEXICO...'NO EVIDENCE' OF BIO-TERROR...CALDERON TELLS MEXICANS TO STAY CALM, COOPERATE WITH AUTHORITIES...CDC RECOMMENDS PLANNING FOR SCHOOL CLOSURES...PIG SICK: NYC students...WHO: Swine flu could mutate to 'more dangerous' strain...Flu fears prompt quarantine plans...Mexico flu scare empties streets, churches, bars...CLOSE TO 1,600 SUSPECTED CASES...Russia Suspends Imports of Meat From Mexico, Some U.S. States...New swine flu likely widespread...Asia on alert...10 New Zealand students in scare... Mideast First: Israeli man hospitalized on suspicions...6 CASES CONFIRMED IN CANADA...Spain announces 3 suspected cases...

We need to be in fervent prayer for our Mexican friends that the Lord will halt the spread of sickness through this virus.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.Chronicles 7:14

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come....II Timothy 3:1

Tag: Swine Flu Updates, Obama, New World Order
Related Story: Swine Flu Outbreak

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