Sunday, May 31, 2009

Late Term Abortion Doctor Shot Dead in Kansas Church

This is a sad day for all concerned, as late term abortion Dr. Tiller was shot dead in a Kansas Church. All life -- unborn murdered babies by abortion as well as Dr. Tiller's is most precious to God. Fox News has the story.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. John 3:17
Tag: Abortion


  1. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I don't celebrate the death of Dr. Tiller. But I am not able to comprehend the indifference to shredding, puncturing, poisoning or crushing the skull of an unborn baby, multiplied, which Dr. Tiller did without repentance.
    How can I say he did not repent? By the fact that he did not stop.

  2. Very well put Toni. I just did a post on this very subject after seeing a horrible video on You tube about it. This Dr was obviously wrong but it isn't the place of civilians to take a life. It is as unlawful in God's eyes as it was for the DR to take the lives of those innocent babies. Murder is murder.
