Friday, June 12, 2009

Election Day in Iran-Ahmadinejad Claims Victory

Today is election day in Iran, and Ahmadinejad has already claimed victory as polling stations are kept open. It kinda looks as if Ahmadinejad may win , but both sides are claiming victory and a huge turnout is expected to favor his rival. I suppose it all depends upon who the chief mullah votes for, but the Lord is ultimately in control. I do know that the Iranian people are coming to Christ in record numbers and leaving islam because of the tyranny it represents from its leadership, and want change. Time will tell. Story here.
  • From Joel Rosenberg's Blog
    As I describe in Inside The Revolution in detail, the Lord is using radio broadcasting, satellite TV technology and the Internet to get the good news of salvation to the Iranian people. Jesus is also appearing to many personally, telling them to, “Come, follow Me” — and they are. Iranian Christian leaders tell me they expect more than 10,000 house churches to be planted in Iran in the next 12 to 18 months because Christianity is growing so fast in that country. And the main reasons people are abandoning Islam and becoming followers of Jesus is because of the tyrannical leadership of the country. Starting with the Ayatollah Khomeini, and right up to the present with the Ayatollah Khamenei, such cruel, Radical dictators are causing Iranians to become deeply disillusioned with Islam and eager to search for true peace. They are finding it in the Prince of Peace. So, let us pray earnestly for the Iranian people that no matter who wins, they will choose Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords this year.

He removes kings and setteth up kings. Daniel 2:21

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