Sunday, June 07, 2009

Saudis Tell U.S. To Issue Ultimatum To Israel

The Saudis are now telling the U.S to issue an ultimatum to Israel and should cut off all to Israel if the Jewish state does not accept the terms of the 2002 Saudi Peace Plan, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal told Newsweek magazine.

In answer to a question if U.S. President Barack Obama should use financial help as a tool to force Israel to implement the plan, the Foreign Minister stated, "Why not? If you give aid to someone and they indiscriminately occupy other people's lands, you bear some responsibility." Read about it here

After Obama bowing to the Saudi King at the G-20 Summit, in above photo, and boldly declaring his muslim heritage in Cairo, Israel must realize it now stands alone with God and is being blackmailed and needs to stand its ground against America and the Saudis, and realize that the Saudis need Israel far more than Israel needs the U.S. or the Saudis. Saudi Arabia is a totalitarian state where Jews and Christians are not allowed to enter or live unless invited, and Saudi Arabia is the chief sponsor of terrorism throughout the world along with Iran.

Saudi Arabia is a huge country and could take in these so called 'palestinians', the Jewish people rightfully belong in the land of Israel and the entire world governments are aware of this and Israel does not need Saudi recognition to exist or survive.

Moreover, Israel needs to tell the United States that the Saudis depend upon American forces and military to protect its kingdom and if the Saudis do not cease blackmailing Israel into accepting a bogus Saudi 'peace' deal to give up its land, and make peace with Israel immediately, America should remove all its troops that protect the Saudi Kingdom, which costs far more than Israel gets in financial aid from America. The Saudis and so-called moderate arab states of Egypt and Jordan are literally scared stiff of Iran controlling the Persian Gulf area when they acquire the bomb and they need to ally with Israel to fight the Iran, Hezballah, Hamas axis of evil.

I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. Joel 3:2

Tag: Saudi Peace Plan, Israel,

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