Sunday, July 19, 2009

Quebec Physicians Propose Legalized Euthanasia

Euthanasia, another name for legalized murder, is a North American thought process that is rapidly attempting to follow the European thought process, is now being proposed by physicians in Quebec.

This is a shameful idea regardless of the location and these people who call themselves physicians need to be exposed in the same manner as the abortion murderers in the medical profession and go back under the rocks they crawled out from under. Who will be next to be legally murdered, or euthanasied? The disabled and physically handicapped? Remember Terri Schiavo , a healthy young woman who was denied food and water by order of the American government until she died? The mentally challenged? The elderly? Hospice patients?

  • July 16, 2009 ( - In what one prominent euthanasia opponent has called "a straw man argument," the Quebec College of Physicians is proposing that euthanasia be legalized "as part of the appropriate care in certain particular circumstances." The Globe and Mail broke the story today, and at the same time launched an online poll asking its readership, "Do you support the legalization of assisted suicide?"
  • After having examined the issue for three years, the College's task force on ethics concluded that Quebec society has grown to the point where it can now tolerate euthanasia. "The question here is to decide whether a drop in dosage or an increase in dosage constitutes a criminal act," said College secretary, Dr. Yves Robert to the Globe and Mail.
  • Dr. Robert is referring to circumstances that occur occasionally, where gravely ill patients may be in such pain that the amount of medication they require to relieve their pain could result in their death. "We are being very cautious in our approach," said Dr. Robert. "Avoiding the debate contributes to the general hypocrisy around this issue. To say that it doesn't happen because it is illegal is completely stupid. ... We have to stop hiding our head in the sand."
  • The College is contending that a patient's death in this case would constitute euthanasia. "We may go as far as to recommend that in certain cases," says Dr. Robert, "where the pain is unbearable, the amount of analgesic required could correspond to a form of euthanasia."Story continues

One of the things the Lord hates is hands that shed innocent blood:

A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood Proverbs 6:17

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