Thursday, April 22, 2010

American Top Military Officer Won't Rule Out Firing On Israeli Jets If Israel Strikes Iran

I shouldn’t be surprised that Wired News is reporting an American top military officer won’t rule out the U.S. firing on Israeli jets if Israel launches a pre-emptive strike on Iran. God said these days would come and here we are. Israel will be all alone as prophesied with one true ally to help and protect her-God.

  • Mullen tried to sidestep the question. “We have an exceptionally strong relationship with Israel. I’ve spent a lot of time with my counterpart in Israel. So we also have a very clear understanding of where we are. And beyond that, I just wouldn’t get into the speculation of what might happen and who might do what. I don’t think it serves a purpose, frankly,” he said. “I am hopeful that this will be resolved in a way where we never have to answer a question like that

The eyes of the world today are upon Jerusalem in fear and trembling, as the prophet Zechariah foretold. That is what this conflict between Israel and the Arabs is really all about now even though Iran is a big problem for Israel and the world, Iran is just a distraction because the next world war, when it breaks out, is going to break out over Jerusalem, and it will be a nuclear holocaust. God’s Word tells us that the Quartet, the EU, UN, Russia and especially the USofA will press Israel over Jerusalem. We are seeing that now. And we are seeing the Obama Administration turn against Israel and pressure Israel over Jerusalem like no other administration before him in favor of Israel's surrounding muslim enemies.

"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about when they shall be in siege both against Judah and Jerusalem." Zechariah 12:2

And in that day I will make Jerusalem a burdonsome stone for all people that burden themselves with it ; all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces."Zechariah 12:3

And then the prophet Zecharian writes in Chapter 14:2

"For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle and the city shall be taken

Then shall the LORD go forth and fight against those nations...Zechariah 14:3

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