Sunday, April 25, 2010

Franklin Graham Dis-invited At Pentagon Nat’l. Day of Prayer

Franklin Graham has been disinvited from taking part in a Pentagon National Day of Prayer fiasco. Are the powers that be attempting to sneak Islam's sharia law through the back door?
  • The reason for the "dis-invite"? Graham's earlier comments about Islam were "not appropriate," said the Army (see more details below from Associated Press). In 2001, the son of famed evangelist Billy Graham described Islam as "evil" following terrorist attacks. More recently, he has said he finds Islam offensive and wants Muslims to know that Jesus Christ died for their sins. Story continues
Not appropriate? Speaking the truth is becomming the new hate speech these days. The army needs to understand that Biblical Christianity and Islam are incompatible with one another, and that anyone or anything which advocates and promotes the murder of innocent people and the abuse of women is evil. Around the world, more muslims are leaving Islam now at record numbers, especially in the Middle East and have come to realize that Jesus Christ died for their sins and have found their true salvation in Him alone.

  • In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity. These numbers are very large indeed. Source
Jesus told his disciples that those who did not receive them, leave and shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them in Luke 9:5, and warned that
 Ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.  Luke 12:17


  1. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Hi toni, i really do enjoy reading your blog and it is updated often with news of Christ's second coming. The questioning of the pretrib rapture theory is a good warning for us to test everything. I do consider this blog among one of the more credible Christian blogs on such issues.

    At the same time however, i notice that there are several references and sources that are linked to the pope and catholicism. Just to ask: do you consider both faiths under the same umbrella? Im a Christian and personally, i do think there are some fundamental differences between these two. Thanks!

  2. Blessings to you, Anonymous:

    Thank you for visiting here and for your comments.

    To set the record straight, yes I believe as you do,i.e., there are fundamental differences between catholicism and the Christian faith. I believe catholicism is like islam, a false religious system. My personal articles that I have on here reveal the truth of catholicism, in fact, I have written a series back in 2006 (links below) "The Sabotage Of Biblical Christianity By The Roman Catholic Church."

    In the right side bar, I have included links from around the world that are from catholic sources only because sometimes, they reveal how Islam persecutes people of other belief; however this does not mean I endorse catholicism. These sites I have included in my right side bar are labeled as such "sites of interests" because I can usually find something on these sites at any given time that catches my eye and is not being reported anywhere else in the MSNM.

    You may want to search this blog in the search this blog link in the right side bar, type in the word "pope" or "Tony Blair", or "Pope Benedict" or "catholic church" or "Roman Catholic Church", etc. and you will find many articles where I have written exposing the false teachings.

    This is not to say, however, that there are not some people who are trapped in catholicism who do not love Jesus Christ. I know many catholics who indeed love Jesus with all of their heart and soul. The same can be said today about the many non-catholic or protestant denominations, which have fallen away from the truth of God's Word, in one way or another.
    There are still people among them who who love the Lord Jesus Christ with all of their heart and souls, so it is not for me to judge any of these people and I do not paint them all with the same brush. If I happen to see something that goes against God's Word, I will expose it, and speak and say so as I am lead. I have many people from all over the world who visit here, including Italy, the home of the RCC, who I know personally love the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Hope this clarifies your questions. If not, just let me know.

