Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Noah's Ark Found? Not So Fast Says MSNBC

Don’t be so fast to say Noah’s Ark has been found says MSNBC. But, would the state controlled, proud and arrogant media admit this discovery was indeed Noah’s Ark if it is? That is the question that begs asking. For these humanists will attempt to tear down and discredit everything that belongs to God.

But what does it really matter if Noah’s Ark has or has not been found? We know that the just shall live by faith. Habakkuk 2:4. And Hebrews 11:1 says fauth is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Perhaps this declaration of faith from Habakkuk is one of the greatest in all the Scriptures because it reveals a contrasting picture of the arrogantly rebellious and those who submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It shows the difference between the just and the proud, declaring that the future belongs to the righteous. So it does not really matter if Noah’s Ark has been found because in the end, pride and evil will be destroyed, but the righteous, the just, they shall live be faith.

Related Story: Noah's Ark Found On Turkish Mountaintop?


  1. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Noah’s ark has been uncovered since 1978 when an earthquake right at that location caused the ark to slide a bit more downhill leaving its outline clearly visible.
    Don’t believe me.. Just check it out for yourself. search for “Ron Wyatt Noah’s ark”
    Here is a good site that shows all the facts:
    arkdiscovery dot com

    So really, this story seems like it’s totally trying to muddy the waters of the real Noah’s ark discovery made in 1978 by Ron Wyatt.
    Don’t forget, Yahshua the Messiah is coming again for a spotless (complete) bride.
    Fare ye well!

  2. Anonymous9:59 PM

    hay! with great claims must come great evidance documentation explanations, period! any claim with out this is a hoax by difination.

    hold the story untill you have the time and evidance to support your claims?


  3. Anonymous10:00 PM

    This is not news. There have been previous expeditions to the arc. You can probably still find info on youtube as one source. One has to wonder why this suddenly becomes a big deal now. Are we being prepped for the “end times” by the guys that create history? Who knows.

    Dan T.
