Monday, May 31, 2010

Israeli Soldiers Fire In Self-Defense in Clash With Illegal Gaza Flotilla-15 Activists Dead

A Turkish warship, all dressed up as a cruise ship, Reuters reports Israeli marines stormed a Turkish "aid ship" bound for Gaza on Monday and 10 pro-Palestinian activists were killed, triggering a diplomatic crisis and plans for an emergency session of the U.N. Security Council.
The truth is.........

A premeditated, provocative illegal Gaza flotilla consisting of six ships, one with extremists, whose organizers had close ties with global jihad, alQaida and Hamas headed for Gaza and refusing to heed the warnings of the IDF forces ended up with 15 dead activists, as Israeli soldiers fire in self-defense. More

Meanwhile, PM Netanyahu, a true leader who sets his priorities and takes care of the homeland first, cancelled a meeting with Obama in Washington in the wake of the deadly Gaza flotilla clashes, Haaretz is reporting. Watch for the controlled left media to spin this recent terrorist provacation which has the markings of a "set up" against Israel, into a blame Israel campaign to provoke world outrage against Israel.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20

  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided Monday to cancel his visit to the United States, where he had been invited to meet with U.S. President Barack Obama, in the wake of the deadly clashes that occurred after Israel Navy troops stormed a convoy of international activists carrying aid to the Gaza Strip.


    Israeli Navy Warns Flotilla 31 May 2010

Demonstrators Use Violence Against Israeli Navy Soldiers Attempting to Board Ship

Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers

Al Jezeera's Propaganda Being Spread Throughout The Arab World

Related Story: Mavi Marmara With 500 Activists Docked At Ashdod To Be Deported or Arrested By Israel

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    This is what a leader does in time of crisis. Obama needs to take a lesson from the Prime Minister. No time for leisure or vacations. It’s called sacrifice, Obama. Take care of business at home first.

    Now oboma can meet with Gov. Brewer and take care of business in the United States. He has NO EXCUSE now. Lets see if he still snubs Gov. Brewer

