Friday, May 21, 2010

Jews For Jesus Founder, Moishe Rosen Dies

A true hero for Jesus, Jews For Jesus founder, Moishe Rosen died Wednesday, leaving behind a pre-written message to members of the ministry. This is a sad time for all, but we can rejoice that we will see Moishe again because we have the guarantee from the risen Messiah, Jesus. To read Moishe's encouraging message in its entirety, go to the Jews For Jesus website

He being dead still speaks. (Hebrews 11:4)

  • In his final remarks, Rosen expressed how concerned he was by the support some believers were giving to the efforts of rabbis “who, frankly, not only don't know Christ, but don't want to know Him.”
  • To be an honest ministry, it can only come from the Holy Spirit; and the Holy Spirit can only indwell those who have the new birth and are born again. Therefore I would urge you to think very seriously before you support any ministry that involves Jewish people and doesn't actually bring the gospel to the Jews.
  • He also expressed his disappointment in Jesus-believing Jews who “feel that their primary purpose is to promote Jewishness and Judaism to the Jews.”
  • “I hope I can count on you to show love and respect for the Jewish people, but Jewishness never saved anybody,” Rosen stated. “Judaism never saved anybody no matter how sincere. “

Anything done for Christ will last. Anything you do to help and encourage Jews for Jesus at this time will have lasting effects on all of us. So instead of saying "good bye," I'll just say, "until then - I'll see you in the sky."


The Christian Post is also covering Moishe’s death announcement.

Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee.Psalm 116:7


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