Monday, May 10, 2010

Netanyahu Caves On Jerusalem

From DebkaFile This is bad news. Only at the beginning of restarted stalled peace talks between the Israelis and “Palestinians”, PM Netanyahu has already caved into Obama on Jeruselem, saying there would be no more construction at the Ramat Shlomo settlement in East Jerusalem for two years."

I find this extremely difficult to believe and I think there may be more to this story than meets the eye. But I'll play the devil's advocate, presuming that the Prime Minister has said this......

The Prime Minister, who has said Jerusalem would not be divided, is sending the wrong message to Israel’s enemies who are celebrating because of what they see as a victory and who have already claimed East Jerusalem for its capitol of a “Palestinian State.” This makes me wonder what the Prime Minister was promised to make him cave into Obama's demands. Is Obama now going to support Israel on a strike on Iran's nukes which is a primary concern of Prime Minister Netanyahu? And where does his loyalty lie? God, in His written Word, has made it clear that the Land is not to be sold forever, because it belongs to Him. The Jews of Israel are merely God's tenant residing on the Land of Israel now, and God is their landlord. This means it cannot be traded as land for peace, or used as a bartering tool.
  • The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine, for ye are strangers and sojourners with me. Leviticus 25:23
Three hard questions demand answers:

1. If the Israeli prime minister can't stand by his solemn pledges to Israel and the Jewish people on Jerusalem, how much credibility can be attributed his other statements?
2. Is he made of tough enough material to withstand pressures, or does he have a built-in tendency to surrender when the going is rough?
3. This answer is critical when applied to matters of national security, such as the threats from Hizballah and a nuclear-armed Iran. More

JoshuaPundit has a very interesting analysis of this ongoing chess game and what the Prime Minister may be up to that you should read to gather more insight.


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