Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sunday Church Services Prohibited in San Antonio’s Leon Valley

Because the city code excludes religious assemblies from certain zoning areas because they decrease city tax revenue and interfere with commercial activity, Sunday church services are now prohibited in San Antonio’s Leon Valley. Who ever heard of such a crazy thing? What about First Amendment rights? The Constitution? Freedom of assembly? It’s mind boggling what is going on in this country.

The Elijah Group, an Evangelical Christian church, bought an existing church building in the city’s retail zones and so ran afoul of the new code, and is now challenging it in court. Read all about it here.

What do the Holy Scriptures Say About This?

First of all, the Holy Scriptures tell us that the first disciples of Jesus were all Jewish, and kept their Jewish culture and customs by keeping the Sabbath, or last day of the week according to Jewish customs. The Scriptures even note in Luke 23:56 that Jesus’ female disciples rested on the Sabbath. The apostles of Christ were known to have taught in the Temple, and Paul routinely preached in synogogues on the Sabbaths as recorded in the book of Acts, but there is nothing recorded that the Apostle Paul instructed his converts to Christianity to keep the Sabbath, but instead taught that certain special days was something Christians should not be judged about as noted in Colossians 2:16.

There are also examples of the early New Testament church meeting on the first day of the week, or Sunday,after the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, but our Lord did not command this as a special day for the early Christians to meet and commemorate.

Bottom line, I don’t see where there is anything written in the Holy Scriptures that command Christians to meet to worship the Lord on any specific day of the week. In fact, the Scriptures do record in Acts 2:46-47 that the early New Testament Church met daily with one accord in the temple,and breaking bread from house to house and ate their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

Maybe now is the right time to get back to early New Testament Christianity.


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