Friday, June 11, 2010

Christianity's Surge in Indonesia

Good things are happening in Indonesia, the home of the world‘s largest muslim population. Fed up with the controlling sharia police enforcing the oppressive and repressive teachings of Islam that do not provide for the forgiveness of sin,  Muslims are turning to Christianity, where they can be set free in Jesus Christ, the one true God. Calling it “Christianity’s Surge in Indonesia”in this Time article, there is now a “boom” in Christianity in the world’s largest muslim populated country that is literally transforming Indonesia.  We can only hope and pray that these masses of muslims are truly born again and have given their life to Christ, and not caught up in the apostate interfaith, charismatic and emerging church movement that is circulating around the world.

 With that said,  all is not peace and tranquility for Indonesia’s converts to Christianity. There is still the muslim element of the population creating havoc for Christians in Indonesia.

Last year, the Indonesia Ulema Council, an influential Islamic clerical body, sounded the alarm about Christian proselytization and called on Muslims to more staunchly guard their faith. The pace with which unlicensed churches are being shut down by local authorities is also increasing. Christians complain that gaining official sanction to build a mosque is easy while getting similar permission for churches is glacial. As a consequence, most Christian houses of worship are unofficial. "There is a real fear that Christianity is on the march," says Mike Hilliard, a Scottish minister who with his Indonesian wife runs an orphanage outside Jakarta that has been targeted by militant Muslims. "Because of this fear, emotions are easily stirred up and mobs can form quickly." Read More

The church is being built by Jesus Christ and no force or enemy on earth will stop it, not even the gates of hell.  Matthew 16:18

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