Saturday, June 19, 2010

Paul Proctor Report On The Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster

I came across the following report written by Paul Proctor on the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster titled Disaster in the Gulf that I think the visitors to my blog would be interested in reading so you all can prepare for the worst. Those of us here in America are in for some very serious hard times soon because of the Gulf of Mexico’s oil disaster and the incompetence of BP and the American government; or perhaps America and the people of America   are just reaping what they have sown because of a corrupt government and corrupt Americans for decades who have thrown Jesus Christ out of this once great country in favor of false gods and idols, and sin.  In fact, I am now convinced after studying and seeing the results of  this disaster more and more, with no end in sight,  and studying  The Revelation of Jesus Christ to John, that the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster could lead to a chain of catastrophic biblical events that may potentially fulfill the Sixth Seal and some of the Trumpet revelations.

We as Bible believing Christians can taken comfort in the truth of God's Word that God takes care of His own and that He will supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19


By Paul Proctor
June 16, 2010

Can it be stopped?

My wife and I took a rare trip to the coast last weekend hoping to enjoy a salty breeze, a sunny beach and some fresh seafood while it’s still available, affordable and edible. There are, of course, many conflicting news reports and photos of tarred beaches, toxic fumes and dead or dying sea life in and around the Gulf of Mexico; but we ended up on the Atlantic Coast instead.

As we walked along a crowded beach on Hilton Head, I couldn’t help but wonder if we’d ever see and experience such things again. After the reported failures of BP to stop the grossly understated flow of oil into the Gulf from the well site of Deepwater Horizon and the chilling possibility that reported “plumes” would eventually reach ocean currents that could carry them eastward around the Florida peninsula and up the east coast, I must admit, at times I felt more like a watchman on duty than a traveler on holiday. Continues

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