Monday, July 12, 2010

Will We See Our Beloved Pets Again?


Will we see our beloved pets again?  Yes, for all you pet lovers, I am convinced without a doubt  that we will see our beloved pets again once they pass from this life.

 I have began to seriously search for answers in Scripture because at the beginning of June, one of my "doxie" dogs came down with an acute attack of Congestive Heart Failure and during  the last  week,  I thought for sure I was going to lose him.  For a dog, the prognosis of Congestive Heart Failure is six months to a year,  Sammie first was diagnosed with the problem over two years ago, after developing the usual symptoms with fluid around the heart, and a heart murmur, and cough.  He was treated with Lasix, and eventually weaned off it at that time two years ago.

  I couldn't bear the thought of not having Sammie, as Sammie has been a chief member of our family and best friend  who has been   with me for fourteen years,  and has been usually healthy.  Needless to say I was taken back by this life threatening illness in my little dog a week ago, and it was breaking my heart to see him sick as I was literally watching the living breath being taken from him. 

 With my tear soaked face and sobs, I fervently prayed for Sammie endlessly,  asking the Lord to rebuke the spirit of death and sickness that was hovering over Sammie, and to give us more time together as I wasn't ready to lose him.  If you are an animal lover as I am, you will understand what I am talking about.

The Lord has been very gracious in answering prayer  Sammie has remarkedly improved since prayer..  The new Vet that has been treating Sammie, I firmly believe was sent by God.  Sammie is back on the Lasix at an increaded dosage for the time being, which has removed the fluid around his enlarged heart, and a blood pressure medication called Enalapril, which also is used to strengthen cardiac contractions. And  today Sammie was started on a new medication that increases the contraction force of the heart, which in turn will increase cardiac output, and  oxygenation, called Vetmedin.

I am encouraged that Sammie will be with me for some time now, as he has taken a complete turn around for the better.  His little spring is back in his gait when he walks.  His mucous membrames are now pink again, compared to the  grey color he developed in one day's time  for lack of oxygen.    God is so merciful when we call upon him in times of need.    I also believe that the Scriptures give all of us pet lovers plenty of assurance that we will see our beloved pets again once they pass from this life.  Many people believe the Bible does not address this, but I have found enough Scriptures in my search that has reassured me that we will see our beloved pets again, and I am putting some of them up for those who are also troubled by the thought of losing a dear friend, your beloved pet.

The Bible tells us that God is love. This means God loves all of His creation, humans and animals and all of His creation alike.

The Lord is good to all; and his tender mercies are over all his works.  And thy works shall praise thee, O Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee.  Psalm 145:9,10

Animals will be praising the Lord before the throne of God in the next life.

 Revelation 5:11 reads: And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels around about the throne  the beasts and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;

  Revelation 5:13 reads: And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, Heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever.

Let everything that has breathe praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6 

Matthew 10:29 reads

"Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father."

 When God created the animals, He put them under the protection and dominion of man. Genesis 1:26 .

When God created Adam and Eve, the Bible tells us that they chose to sin against what God told them not to do. Genesis 2, 3

The Bible tells us that while the  animals are innocent and did not sin,  they fell under the curse of sin  that Adam and Eve brought upon the human race, and will also be delivered from the curse of bondage.

"Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation  groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now." Romans 8:21-22

With reference to "the soul", the Bible tells us in Job 12:9,10 that animals do have a soul...

"Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this? In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind."

Do animals have a spirit?
"The term "Spirit" translates the Hebrew word ruah, which, in its primary sense, means breath, air, wind, without which no human or animal could live, for the spirit is the essence of every living creature where there is life given by God.  Genesis 1:30

There are many, many more Bible Scriptures that verify we will see our beloved pets once they pass, and I hope these that I have put up here give comfort to those who have been troubled by this.

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  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    One more verse is Ecclesiastes 3:19, where it says man and animals have the same breath. In translation, the word "breath" means "spirits."

  2. Thank you for that verse, Doug.

    I have read and heard where so many people have said the Bible does not address this, but it is so apparent that when you look at God's Word with an open mind, that God loves all of his creation and has a place for them in His Kingdom to come.

