Friday, August 20, 2010

Jesus Lives On In Jerusalem

Jesus indeed lives on in Jerusalem. He lives in and through His people there, our brothers and sisters in Christ. And one day soon, that is where Yeshua will be physically returning, on the Mt. of Olives and every eye shall see Him, according to the prophet Zechariah

According to YNetNews out of Israel, there are 15,000 Jews living in Israel, and 350,000 Jews living in the United States of America, all believers in Yeshua, or Jesus as Messiah of Israel and of the world.

Jesus Lives On In Jerusalem is an article that came to me today that I thought you would be very interested in reading. It tells us about the lives, beliefs and religious practices of some of the Messianic Jews of Israel, and how their community of faith in Yeshua is growing.

They honor Jewish circumcision, bar-mitzvah, and wedding ceremonies, but believe Jesus is the messiah.

The small community of Yad Hashmona, near Jerusalem, is home to a number of Messianic-Jewish families. They believe in Jesus – or Yeshua, as they call him – and in the teachings of the New Testament as well as the old. They are Jews in every sense, but for the most part keep this side of their faith to themselves. When these families gather for the Shabbat meal, however, Jesus is the guest star at their table. More

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  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I have heard from people in Israel that the number of believers in Yeshua are really much higher than 15,000. Many are still in the closet for fear of discrimination by family and others.


  2. Hi Buzz

    You are probably correct.
