Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ground Zero Memorial Rally And Ground Zero Mosque Protest Coverage September 11, 2010

I would be remiss if I did not pay honor to two wonderful Americans and  human beings,Pamela Geller, author and blogger from Atlas Shrugs and Robert Spencer, author and blogger from Jihad Watch, whom I am convinced the Lord has raised up for such a time as this, who organized the Ground Zero Memorial Rally in NYC and the Ground Zero Mosque protest held yesterday, September 11th.

Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6
The rally was a huge success drawing 40,000 people according to Ms. Geller’s blog, and even though the state controlled media ignored the huge event,America and the world  is watching and participating.  Who really needs the state controlled media, anyway today, with all of their lies and propaganda when there is the blogsphere? Multitudes all over America, and indeed the world, are having their eyes opened to the real Islam  through the endless efforts of these two great Americans, and their foreign counterpart, Dutch Parlimentarian Geert Wilders.

There were many pictures of this historic  event posted on Ms. Geller’s blog, and Urban Infidel’s blog which I am sure you will want to see, so please do go there to see some great and awesome  pictures.

Geert Wilders Warns America At 9/11 Remembrance Rally-Full speech with lots more pictures.
Geert Wilders
For my friends in the Netherlands, guests of honor included America’s great friend and freedom fighter all
the way from Holland,Dutch Parliament Member and hero  Geert Wilders,(who I also believe the Lord has raised up for such a time as this) who has courageously spoken out against the evils of Islam against the odds and constant death threats whose video’s I have included below, the distinguished former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton and media-man Andrew Breitbart, fearless politician, war hero and candidate for US Congress, Ilario Pantano, another wonderful man and great friend of America Coptic Christian activist from Egypt Joseph Nassralla, who denounced the thousand year old Islamic oppression of Coptic Christians in Egypt, radio show hosts and great Americans Steve Malzberg and Mike Gallagher.

Pamela Geller introduces Geert Wilders Video

Geert Wilders Speaks to the masses

Geert Wilders speaks to the masses

Geert Wilders speaks to the masses

For more coverage and pictures go to the links

Related Story: Franklin Graham Comments On The Ground Zero Mosque
Related Story: Joseph Nassralla From Egypt Speaks At 911 Remembrance Rally September 11, 2010-Live Video
Related Story: Iranian-American Activist Sam Khoshbaten Speaks At 911 Remembrance Rally  Live Video September 11, 2010

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  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    You Yanks are very lucky when you see what our government and political elite have done to England. There are many cities here where us Brits are now in a minority,none of my friends or relatives, especially the females, dare to walk the streets at night, where the immigrants seem to have taken over, what I cannot understand is that if they hate us so much (and they do hate us)why on earth do so many of them come to England.

  2. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Those who push for this Victory Mosque on Ground Zero to honour the religion in whose name Ground Zero became a massmurder scene, including the seemingly anti-semitic President Obama and his cheer-squad, the Media, are accessories to massmurder after the fact.

    And, who still genuinely believes that this Mosque is a gesture of Goodwill? HUH? If it was, they would have stopped it quite some time ago already.

    A friend in Australia

  3. Anonymous1:07 PM

    well , wake up land of the proud. europe is already lost.we will need you soon to bail us out yet again from another fascist europe war is on the horizon because inept and corrupt politicians and media have sold the land most big cities it is unsafe to go out at night because moslem youth are roaming the streets ,quite often also killing people. and in 15 years they will be the majority since more then 75% under 3 year olds are there is only a 15 year window of opportunity left for the free world . lets hope america can see through this vile travesty of an religion in time.

    Sep 14, 2010
    Jack in Germany
